
Better to keep number 3 handy to protect numbers 1 and 2.

Robotech was seriously one of the best things I ever watched as a kid. Yes, I comprehend that it is the amalgamation of three different anime dubbed into a single unit. Yes, the voice acting it hokey. Yes it has flaws. No, I do *NOT* want to watch Macross instead. I want the show I loved as a kid.

Sakura Swift!

Just want to remind everybody that these exercises are great if you want a variety/break things up with something new, or need some random set of exercises for HIIT or some kind of circuit training.

Hey. It's a SERIOUS problem in Utah. They are losing the Great War!

Miura is starting a new manga called Gigantomakia if you haven't seen it yet. It's on it's third release in Japan. Much like his latest work on Berserk, the art is incredible and it's fairly dark. Great read, insofar.

He's referring primarily to the people on the legal side of things, like the FCC and Supreme Court. They're supposed to be protecting the civil liberties of the people, but due to their ignorance (and the fact that CORPORATIONS ARE PEOPLE) they wind up doing the exact opposite. They think they're protecting little

where do you get the notion that the courts are corrupt from this? It's pretty cut and dry. FCC has the legal right to enforce neutrality on common carriers. The FCC themselves chose to define the internet as an information service, not a common carrier. So without a redefinition of the internet or a new law, there's

It really pisses me off how most of the people who make decisions on this type of thing don't even know the first thing about it.

Ooh! He has an idea!

i'll just leave this here...

"Never knew this stuff, too cool."

Buddy Cole?

I'm just going to say it, Troi has a special place in the heart of every 13 year old boy watching that show.

Oh, grow up. It's not about wanting their genitalia to look like children. Women shave armpits and such just to be smoother because women's skin is smoother. It is just extending that in the genital region, nothing more and nothing less.

I don't know, maybe you might be overreacting?

Citibike is one further addition to the convenience of NYC. I am an avid cyclist here, and have been for 30 years. I use Citibike, to go the the store, to meet friends, to ride to and from work on messy days when I don't wan't my own bike slushed up. It's brilliant. Fire and Forget. Park and Walk. I no long have

By comparison, it's rather stagnant and spaced out by years when you look at new things developed across the industry.