
Yes, they mean carbs. All carbs convert to glucose, it doesn’t matter the source. This includes the not at all ‘heart-healthy’ carbs from oats, wheat bread, brown rice etc. They can change the intensity of the glucose spike and possibly the load, but if it’s not a fat or protein it’s a carb and carbs are sugar.

That comment got -676,000 points. If you ever got that score doing something in real life they would lock you up and make doing that thing illegal.

Do what you want. I was commenting to chip away at this idea that somehow it’s the diet’s fault that it doesn’t work when someone stops doing it. You just laid that out there like it’s an unreasonable shortcoming.

Ugh, meant for the person you responded too as well , lol

Doctors do not get proper nutritional information. They get like 1 day on it in their whole education. They can only follow their guidelines and pass down best practice.

You’re holding on to a lot of dangerous concepts.

You don’t calorie restrict on Keto. You don’t even need to count. You only restrict carbs and supplement with plenty of healthy fats (which are TONS of calories). The body does not think it’s starving. You will burn fat when you take away carbs. Once you adapt to it, the body will burn it’s own fat for fuel instead of

They should not have stopped the diet.

I got in through Vinnie and NSNG as well! Hey everyone the best way to start is probably NSNG. Just look for that and get the intro to NSNG doc. There’s a lot of places to start but NSNG keeps it simple. You can get more advanced later.

The key difference you’re looking for is fermented vs. non-fermented products and those countries haven’t been mass-manufacturing soy and using it as cheap protein filler for generations like we do today in the US.

I found it in my Trader Joe’s chicken salad. I couldn’t figure out which ingredient had it then I learned the supplier injects it into the chicken.

Hormonal suppression is a huge factor here. Combine that with the hormonal suppression of insulin, which is pumping away in most of us all day, and we’re luck a drop of testosterone gets created.

There is a key difference between FERMENTED soy products like soy sauce, miso, natto, tamari, and non-fermented products like soy milk, most tofu and the type of soy protein isolate used in major food manufacturing. The fermented products don’t seem to have the same deleterious effects that the isolate and

Here is a round-up of about 170 studies from 1950-2013,

Soy is toxic. It binds to hormonal receptors, blocks them, alters your estrogen related responses and causes damage to the thyroid.

Still can’t change my PSN name. Please Shuhei...

I like that a good third of the article explains how this is a bullshit study.


Yesterday PSN sent me a free Avatar Pack of Colossi because I had Playstation 3 save data of SotC. That’s pretty nice and unexpected.