
Amiibo too! Scarcity is their bread and butter.

Is this essentially a larger scotch & soda? And, is there a specific way to order so that the soda is actually effervescent? Too often I order that and it’s flat with no bubbles or fizzyness.

But here we are, doing nothing, letting them piss on our leg and call it rain.

Hiking packs seem like the best bet. It’s always best to try it on in person and load it up to see if it’s comfortable. Try somewhere like REI who will do this for you all day.

“Kiss-kissin’...that’s what I’ve been missin’”

All the unique quirks and design limitations are an attempt to block entry points for hacking and piracy. Sadly, this wont stop the inevitable, it will be hacked and all the ridiculous half-steps that the regular consumer has to put up with will be for nothing.


3DS is unofficially in it’s End Of Line death-spiral. It’s been open to hacking and piracy for a while and it’s never been easier than right now. I think the main thing going on here is Ninty knows all eyes are on the Switch, and they’re going to wring out every bit of profit they can and are not concerned with the

As with most things, hockey would kindly ask you to leave them out of this as well.

Every lane is a passing lane.

yeah, 1 flagship franchise release per console is not enough.

“We have survived murder, rape, disease and starvation on this reservation. We need no reminder of where you want us to be. We suffer daily with hunger, cold, depression. Your attack dogs and mercenaries have left wounds when we leave our reservations to ask for wrongs to be righted.”

There’s absolutely nothing wrong with the fat in an avocado. You need fat to live, to think, to promote hormonal balance.

“Presumably that means you have to be able to win money.”

I would really like to pretend I could just go at my own pace but everything runs on a damn clock! Then you find out you could have got 2 more bushels of a crop if you had planted on day 1 and you REALLY should have started bringing gifts to this one girl about 4 minutes into the game if you wanted to marry her and

Good Bot.

How’s the weather up there on your high-horse?

Makes too much sense

Here we go, look, just because they have ‘demon’ in their name is no reason to demonize them!