
Triggered much? Go pet your dog and calm down. Let it sop up your big salty tears.

Your issues with leaving your dog at home are your own problem, not ours.

Fakes and liars. Or, as they’d like you to believe, they’re so, so fragile and weak that they can’t possibly cope with life, a flight, or going to the store, without their precious pet in tow. Of course never mind how they got along 10 years ago when this was NOT a thing.

Everyone realizes, no one cares. That cat’s not getting back in the bag.

It may have been more effective for Bluehole to say something to the point that they knew everyone would rush to copy them, jump on the bandwagon, play catch-up, that sorta thing.

You should totally get Dig2 on your Vita.

You might as well discriminate against people who need jobs, because that tells you at some point they lost or didn’t get a job, and THAT tells you something about them too.

So you see the bare torsos, arms and legs of all these mangers? Bet not. Bet you instead that business dress covers almost all tattoo areas save for the hands and neck and you don’t even know what people have on under their button-ups.

I hope some day you create something worth protecting, then maybe you’ll see. BTW I’m more of a shitbird, and I’m at work, not the couch.

A growing part of this is intentional manipulation. Think about it, why push forward with a fan-game using Nintendo property, when you can count on Nintendo responding? Isn’t that a bad move?

Good, shut ‘em all down.

Hope they can pull out of this. TRU has been a good place to get Amiibo, with the biggest selection compared to Best Buy and Target.

Agreed, CBD research is still pretty new and there are so many factors when it comes to strains, like for one: Is that even the strain they say it is?

That’s like doing a coffee study but not considering the difference between regular and decaf.

“The study also looked specifically at marijuana smoking, not edibles or other forms, and it didn’t try to separate the effects of different strains or of CBD versus THC content.”

Our fucking hero...

Didn’t read your comment but you’re a clown.

As long as everyone else was doing it then.../s

As The Firewatch devs point out in their statement, ALL ‘fair-use’ claims can be argued by the right’s-holder, who decides what use they will allow and can cut off that use at any time. We take it for granted that most use could be rescinded by a DMCA but is allowed to stay up because it often profits both entities.