So, it’s like a tank on stilts, with a big grappling arm, and lots of exposed electronics and hydraulics?
So, it’s like a tank on stilts, with a big grappling arm, and lots of exposed electronics and hydraulics?
These people have all been fired.
It would be a beast
If you had asked me to guess which State would be the first to have a winning Stock Car driver, Vermont would not be high on the list
Hey this article is cool.
Right. And the 22" tires on the Model X are probably a lot cheaper than the 21" tires on the Model S.
Just goes to show that GM is truly innovative - they’ve had vibrating trim panels years before everyone else.
To me there are two types of engineers:
M8? More like Meh’d. That thing is boring looking.
I agree, this imbalance needs to stop. We need cars designed and built in America, like the Ford Focus, Buick Cascada or the Chevrolet SS.
Half an hour later, I still feel like it looks like a good office pen
Well, you are comparing apples and oranges. Or perhaps lemons and papayas in this case.
There‘s a first-place tie for about 1000 rigs, all listed for $1.
But the EMALS!
Congratulations on failing to understand literally fucking anything.
Did you not RTFA? He *did* buy a seat on that flight. He just put a different kid in it.
Those birds never expected the Spanish Indyquisition.
Well, one dirty track day secret is that ABS has caused plenty of wrecks. Nobody is talking about it though. “In a spin both feet in” meaning if you get in a spin and lock up the brakes you’ll just slide straight to a stop. With ABS you can’t lock them up at all so in a spin you slide a little but then continue…