Jalop is Dead

Please let me know what metric the S-Class wins over the Phantom. 

You expect me to be consistent?

So you think a $120k S-Class is a better car than a $500k Phantom Extended? LOL. 

And to think that Rolls customer are dependent on the success of the overall economy is laughable. Wasnt there an article on Elon becoming the LEAPING up to 4th richest person...all within a matter of months?. The RR car orders will keep flowing in.


I think thats where I am hung up.....you can literally say ALL OF GERMANY needs to apologise. Ever last one who believed in Adolf’s ideology. That, or burned at the stake. Either way is fine with me.

No, we are discussing the exact same thing. We are arguing over the timing of the apology. They finally did it (apologise for their past/involvement)....and you are saying that they should have done it sooner...and I challenged how soon is soon enough.

Right.....but you didnt answer the question. Do they remain silent or do they break the silence? Because they didnt do it any sooner than now.

So they should just stay quite forever? I mean the real situation is they didnt acknowledge the past until now. Sure they should have done it earlier, but now that they havent, what should they do? Isnt the saying “its never too late to make amends”....or are you suggesting by choosing to hide from their past, they

Please share stats.

That article confirms what I said....as well as what Jack said. 

I share your opinion. Didnt hate it. Not much else to say about it, honestly. Felt more like a gadget than a car but as a car it did want it was supposed to do. 

Only 1 bought a Tesla (Model 3) in my “group”. 2 VWs, 1 Audi, 1 Tesla, 1 Ford, 1 Hyundai 

Try harder to make someone feel bad about being a RACIST? I guess that racist brain of your blocks out that this isnt a win/lose discussion. Its a roast of your terrible racist thoughts and calling you on them....the loss is any respect anyone has for your sorry pathetic ass. 

How many times do you need to be told you are a racist? 

I know of 6 people who purchased new cars this year. Five were 26-34yrs old and one was 62yrs old.

Wouldnt you, the racist asshole, be the one with a MAGA hat and a white cloak and white hood? Or are you the other type who thinks being racist towards certain groups is OK? You are pathetic. Vastly more stupid than even you can comprehend.

People who shop at “Buy Here, Pay Here” lots with $1,200 in their pocket. They walk up to the “baby G Wagon” and sign a paper and fork over $1,200. Thats the last time money will be spent on the car. After 3 months of no payment, a repo person will come snatch up the car. Rinse and repeat. 


So now you own words? LMFAO, Racist and stupid as fuck. Please slap your whole family for me and I hope you get chronic diarrhea. Racist piece of shit. Cunt.