Jalop is Dead

Stop being a racist fuck, you asshole. Racist pieces of shit like you need to go jump off a cliff. Cunts like you are the reason we cant all get along. Fuck you and the whore who gave you birth. 

I am calling you out for being a racist. I hate Elon Musk. I hate Tesla. I hate people who are racist trying to say others are racist. This is you.

That statement is literally the definition of racism. YOU are racist. “White people (race) are presumed (racist) to be inherently (racist) racist.”

That article is from April 30th, and this is a direct quote:

So your telling me that roughly half of the country is a racist? Are you nuts?

You do know how to read right? And you do know those three linked articles are from March 18th, March 27th, and March 25th right? If you READ the WORDS, each articles says “Experts PREDICT” or “Analysts WARN” of a shortage of ventilators. Find me a current (last 2 months) article that says outright that there WAS a

Define badly. Are kids going to burst into flames? Are the teachers going to extra floppy arms?

You still dont understand...there never WAS a shortage of ventilators......so it never was too little too late because we had enough on time. 

I think you should donate some of you excess income. Are you really that large of a monster? Someone who makes over $100k a year should be ashamed of themselves. 

YOU made the connection from a set of statistics I put on the internet. Not my issue YOU dont know how to properly connect the dots. Try again. 

Something like all of their non-US breweries are in China....*just checked* its 14/15 non-US breweries for Bud are in China. Its China’s #4 selling beer. I’d say they just fucking love the stuff. 

“hey sir, I think you were barred for life!”

So you earn more than the average....and yet you keep it all for yourself? Seems like the medical industry should get a reckoning of minimum wage and become government owned. Or would that be unfair?

Z3M Coupe is at least $20k now in my experience....

Have you ever met Tony Stewart? Have you ever witnessed his trash behavior? Have you ever witnessed his good behaviour?

LMFAO, OK “Doc”. Did you do that in between deliveries? 

Exactly. People want to stop prescribed burns since they can “get out of control” so they dont manage undergrowth....at all....and then a single bolt of lighting lights up a few million acres. My family’s cabin (over 200 years old) was just of the edge of a huge burn two years ago. We only get like two days a year

LMFAO. Keep up the lies, you might convince some of the impressionables around here.

LMFAO, shopped. Why blur out the name?

I always find it baffling when I realize people think CA is a sort of tropical place and fires are not normal. CA is about the driest place that has ground cover. Sure some places are just as dry (like NM, AZ, NV) but they dont have nearly the ground cover (read fuel) that CA has....