Jalop is Dead

Wow! I don’t support the views that he held, but I support his ability to have them and spend his money to espouse them. I have never in my life taken joy in someone’s death. I detest the tribalism of modern discourse. It’s both sides, as clearly demonstrated here. You can’t expect the other side to be civilized if

If this teaser is implying traffic stopped because the bus stopped to allow main character Raylan Givens played by Timothy Olyphant to cross the street

(To preface, my response below is stated without any animosity).
Current NASCAR races are broken up into 3 segments or Stages. If the hours of entertainment is too long for you - I suggest you begin your tv viewing at the start of Stage 2 or 3.

Problem solved. And it doesn’t ruin it for the rest of us.

Heck, I don’t see a lot of poor people trying to pay extra taxes, but maybe that’s a NYC thing?

With billionaires I think it’s safe to assume they are paying as few taxes as possible

Drunk driving is bad, sure, and it’s also been demonized to the point of parody.

I’m not normally one to knock the writers of this site, I have stupid opinions too, but Eric consistently writes questionable content. It’s getting to the point where I’m going to stop clicking on his articles.

How ever much shade Erik wants to throw on this accomplishment, Virgin Galactic’s ship performed exactly as they planned and expected. In no way did it not achieve what they set out to do yesterday.

But come on, man, Branson’s stunt only barely cleared that.

IIRC the rule is:

I can actually give you a personal example of what you outlined.

There are many cars that are still better vehicles, more of the time, for more people.

Yeah an HD truck will give up something in the ride comfort department vs a luxury car, but try driving a softly sprung half ton, or even better, an air-ride Ram.

Have you ever driven one?

OK, but the example given was the Veloster N, which has won multiple awards (critically acclaimed). They just aren’t selling.

I think the spirit of the question is to look for something critically acclaimed, but slow selling, so the Land Cruiser (I think it’s technically still on sale) is the pick. It’s twice the vehicle as the Escalade, GLS, Range Rover etc that it competes with but sells a mere fraction.

You misunderstand me.

if your business model only works because you use slave labor and treat employees like shit then your business model doesnt work at all.


They are slaves? No.. it is by choice. Actual slaves  would be horrified that you made this comparison and you should be ashamed.