Jalop is Dead

Those arent vaccinations.....and youre right, lets get back to human interactions.

Those are not vaccination....


There is a solution, it takes work to find it. Sadly not a lot of people want to find solutions and will lean on others to do so. Our economy supports hard work. I dont mean being a Janitor and working 60 hours weeks is “hard work”...I mean being a Janitor working 60hrs a week PLUS getting an associates degree to get

Hmmm, maybe UBER and LYFT dont treat the contractors like slaves....ever thought about that? Its like saying “those hikers on that hill are being forced to walk up that mountain!!!”....

They are public. The only losers are the fools with RobinHood accounts buying up small amounts of shares. They will be holding the bag in....checks notes....probably 15 years or more. 

Why didnt she go the day before she went into labor?

She could have voted a month ago. 

Boy, you should watch the animal planet. Things that are weak and vulnerable are the prey. Its a real world out there.

Two things, the engines in these cars now are race engines. They share little to no metal components. They need to be warmed up now. They are rebuilt after a short amount of time (budget dependent, but goal is as frequently as possible).

The most deplorable thing is....you chastise 50% of the nation for being Rep. saying that those people are “inbred, slack jawed, knuckle dragging, assholes” ......

Great piece of fiction there, buckaroo. 

Electric motors can turn into generators if you spin them backwards. Very simple. Spin the motor backwards and the flow of electricity goes INTO the battery pack. 

Autopilot/Autonomy NEEDS to be perfect. I have not gotten into an accident. Why replace me with something that can cause accidents?

Have we created a substitute to plastics yet?

I think this train wreck of a website has finally hit a wall and is unrailed. Comments on articles are in the low 30-40s after a day where as a year ago some would have 400+ after an hour or so.

“We need various types of plastics to protect us from COVID 19 and to create products to help medical professionals....so many so that we are shutting car factories down to produce ventilators”......

Meanwhile Jalopnik cant keep its writers, who can all work from home....and should if you actually care about environment, for obvious reasons. But you sure do know how to pass on some critiques. Laughable. 

I feel the same way. If I was a billionaire and wanted to “show off” at a track day...well I am buying an ex-F1 chassis or ex-LMP1 chassis and repowering it with whatever the hell I feel like. 

Or, ya know, you hire a qualifying restaurant manager, use your celebrity as free advertising, and profit like there is no tomorrow. You know how many people want to eat a Margaritaville? A fuck ton. And the food is worse than McDonalds.