Jalop is Dead

Well you came in here as the asshole. The Corvair has massive design flaws. I have a strong feeling you already know this...especially with Ralph Nader doing his “Unsafe At Any Speed” which gained national attention since 1965 and is still referenced in many college courses/studies.

My grandmother grew up on a Tobacco farm. Smoked for 95 years. Died of old age.

If you got paid and the customer comes back for another, then yes.

You will just die due to the terrible suspension geometry and engine in the rear. All Corvairs need to be in the scrap yard. 

I will do everyone a favor and link to the modern day Porsche with about a billion speed holes. Was even written by a very familiar name:

Honest to god, why no just sit in the shade provided by the tree thats 8ft away? The only reason for these (canopy) is for a parking lot at a race track. I suppose you could be in the desert.....

I say the same thing when I go out to eat; “you want me to pay $14 for a burger, and then $5 for fries? I can make 15 burgers at home for less” 

Honestly I’m over 6ft tall and have to jump on the rear tire to look inside my work trucks since model year 2014 (Chevy 1500's). I can barely see into the bed, much less grab anything if im on the ground. Gotta use that tire step!

But you are using an incomplete data set. We will only really be able to analyze the measures used with the death per capita in a few years. The reason why its incomplete is that neighboring Norway could have the same number of deaths, they just havent happened yet. This does assume everyone in the world will contract

All the ones we cant save? I dont know how you want me to answer that questions. Obviously the answer you WANT to hear is zero but people dont live forever. A part of life is death. Its acceptable for a 35yr old patient to die on the operating table, so long as the doctors did all they could to save that person. 

I suppose we have different outlooks on life

Before or after I damaged the property of those men?

Well she resisted arrest....so how do you plan to arrest peacefully? Everyone acts like any force used by the police is just what the police want. She was fighting the police...she is a known criminal. 

Holy shit that looks terrible. Sorry if you like it!

Well the hummer H1 “bed” is about 12" deep and 4'x4' so.....

I dunno if I would ever use the word “truck” to describe the H1.....it can barely fit a spare tire in the “bed” 

Should have taken the sail pillars all the way to the tailights. Remember your big brother? Thats how its done!

Well.....death toll aside, isnt that a good thing? I mean, if the world is “slowly” dealing with COVID19 and the USA just busted into herd immunity, wouldnt the long term look good for the USA? Again, deaths aside, would that not be good?

You are right and I am wrong. 

Yup. And the money ran out almost as fast as we could fill out the application. We literally began applying the hour it was announced and made it by 4 hours until they announced a hold. I feel incredibly sorry for those who missed out and incredibly pissed when I hear these stories.