Jalop is Dead

Yes he does, if he shows up in court. He only forfeits if he fails to appear in court. 

WHAT!?!?!?! Thats wild if it is truely the same Hines. 

Bail Bond locations exist for this reason. Just need to cover 10% and the bond place will foot the bill for a fee.

Sadly I fear there are going to be hundreds, if not thousands, of stories like this where we see people taking HUGE advantage of the system rushed in place by the Government. And then “suffering” the penalties of wasting millions of tax dollars by sitting in a “hotel” on the taxpayer dime for 5yrs and then out of bail

And a modern bike will require +$800 to purchase. 

I thought you said “bye now” and then proceeded to craft up 15 other responses across two threads. But yes, I am definitely the one with thin skin. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

Or there are 5 people concerned with the fate of Jalopnik and 16 people are concerned about politics. Not sure where that lands my question being a popularity contest. It wasnt a political question so not sure why the response was what you gave.

That quote is about a VIDEO os the PICTURE. So yes, you are an idiot. 

The first quote is you. The second quote is Daniel Lopez:

No, its at $,1417. It lost a little over $97 today. You sold yours at $300. Does that make you sad?

The first quote is you. The second quote is Daniel Lopez:

Not the question being asked but you do you man. 

I was wrong on the Tesla stock. Doesnt reduce the fact that you think you know how to edit better than Daniel Lopez. HAHAHAHAHA. I can be wrong about a stock and I will admit it. But your statement is just so fucking hilarious.

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA I still cant get over the statement that you know more than Daniel Lopez. Fucking mint man.


Are you worried about Jalopnik suffering the same fate as Deadspin with these political takes that dont center around automotive discussions?

Imagine thinking youre more knowledgeable than Daniel Lopez on how to edit photos. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This fucking guy. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA


Wouldnt expect you to react in any less of a fuckwad fasion than you did here. Someone clearly knows more than you and yet your still here trying to make yourself relevant. HA!

Have you worked with American Walnut, especially the stuff from northern california? That shit is B-E-A-Utiful. And hard as a fucking rock.