Jalop is Dead

They can lock themselves in their own house if they dont want the risk. Its totally legal and their choice. See how that works?

Right, but they sold a record number of cars for a record high $ last year.

I Hate Tesla and Elon Musk. Hate. With a capital H.

But your issue seems to be they are pricing YOU out of the market, not that they are pricing CUSTOMERS in general. Customers in general just extend the financing to match the math. 

I dunno man, people are using this pandemic to show that your not safe doing anything and that your terrible for putting yourself at any type of risk at all. Strange. 

For sure. The Gov tends to be the stone figure people turn to when “shit hits the fan” but this display has shown they are just idiotic people just like the average joe and they dont even have a basic control over people sans military force.

And then we get a “affordable” Lexus model that is just a Corolla with some alcantara and leather.

Then it wasnt a “great plan”.

Hes coming back in the ring soon.....

The current pandemic is very similar to autonomous automobiles....

Sounds like you should begin your rounds of investments to start your own manufacturing company.

The cold hard truth is they sell a ton of cars at $50k. People overextend.

Ok, lets try this another way, what does Tesla produce?

Call your congress rep. and keep desiring a totalitarian regime that outlines all of your “freedoms”.

Neutral: The factory is open. A win is a win. Doesnt matter if we speculate if he helped or hurt, it only matters that it is done and now where do they go from here.

Correct on all accounts. It just costs $55k to do so (Supra).

So the doctor administering lethal injections to convicts is.......the bad guy with a needle in his hands and he kills people? 

Its like the movie where the good guy gambled and lost a lot of money and was involved with some bad people and kept gambling and then couldnt pay off his debts because of his bad choices and THEN get put in a situation where the bad guy tells him to either pick his daughter or wife to die for his bad choices to


Yes I did. You just chose not to read it.