Jalop is Dead

Well thats how you get a 350hp new sports car for under $35k. Obviously no other way works. 

No. The risk assessment those individuals made is their choice. They chose to keep going to work for money even though they are high risk. See the problem?

Well you do know slander, targeting are harassment are all illegal so I would LOVE for you to be my neighbor. 

You only care about COVID-19, not public health. Admit it. 

Hmmm, I never knew you to be the gatekeeper of my social contract that I never purchased.

Humans are 99.9% the same....so....not sure how that worked out for you....

For every COVID-19 death, there will be at least 100 from bad diet. 

The Camaro is twice as ugly. 

Or I could just keep replying to your comments given.....YOU can choose to leave the conversation any time you wish.

The ones that arent closed for good. They just lifted the ban in my state. All restaurant CAN be open if they choose. Most all are. 

Nope, I will follow the law and go to a store if they are open and I need something. I hope that people who are at high risk assess that and dont go to the hardware store for flower feed. 

If you really cared about societal health you would advise people to stop eating fast food.

So now we are on to name calling with the r-word. Nice. Good to see all the great people on the stay at home side of things.

Right, or you would be one of the 600,000 people who die every year from eating shit food and having bad health.

Restaurants will be open in 60 days or less. 

Can you not see life is a series of risk assessments. No one is forcing you to interact with the public. STAY IN YOUR HOUSE IF YOU WISH. 


You said

Well, I never broke the law so I will happily live the rest of my natural life just fine. I never said you owe me anything. But taxes and lack of being a criminal mean I get to use all public resources just as you.

Your right, The 370Z is actually nice to drive.