Jalop is Dead

Is this the place where I insert he “triggered” meme?

Wishing death to innocent people now are we? Very classy and very indicative of what the “left” really wants....prosperity for themselves only.

Groceries can be delivered. Medication can be delivered. Money is being delivered. Why do they “not have a choice” do stay inside?

I never said it was, I was refering to the fact that little to know one speaks about swine flu and it was the topic of every conversation 11 years ago. Time marches on, people will always do what they always did. 

Option A sounds great, or B, or C. All are great. YOU can do what YOU want. I personally choose option A. What do you choose?

The Nissan may be based on “older” tech but its still a brand new car that will have better dynamics than the Camaro. 

Again, you are welcome to stay in your house 24hr a day. Its totally legal and you can do it starting NOW!

I think so....

They should all take a voluntary leave of absence, for ever.

Seems like the majority want to go back to life and not stay in their house. I guess you dont know who “everyone” is and what “everyone” want. Color me shocked. 

Ok, lets rephrase, life will march on regardless if you want it to or not. Same as before.

I dont understand why people think this is a reason to fear everything and immediatley think we are going to be living in the plague days of early history. Summer will be here in 40 days. Life will be closer to normal then than now. And in another 6 months, life will be the same as before.

Elon Musk is the CEO of Tesla. Tesla manufactures automobiles. Automobiles are a product/good.

Well if the face of the new Camaro is an indicator to the reaction of what it tastes like.... its terrible.

Nissan is literally what your describe as your ideal brand and boom they are very close to collapse. Just do a bit of research, all your theories have been debunked time and time again. If “passion” sold cars, what is happening to Alfa Romeo? Or what about SCION?

Sorry, late 60s. Jethro Tull sounds great while you ride your Harley to the local pancake breakfast.

Could it not be that you are selfish because youre in your 60s and very highly at risk and want everyone to take all precautions so YOU dont risk yourself?

They really do make them dumber in middle america.

You should attempt comprehension.

They still sell the Nissan Z. Thats literally what you are describing.