Jalop is Dead

Math time:

Source needed

Automobiles? Is this a serious question? Jesus. 

So opportunity, got it. A lot of people have opportunities and DONT take them. But I guess those people deserve to be billionaires too.

Your predictions thus far have been wrong. “But thats the BEST NEWS. I wanted to be proven wrong....I was proven wrong because of social distancing and closures”

So you think every company should shoulder this burden? And the employees somehow need ALL the assistance?

Please re-read what you wrote. You say “Toyota lost their ass” on the supra...and you solution for Ford is to make cars that compete with the Supra. And your making up theories to justify this. Stop. Its just wrong.

You should forgo wages so the company can survive! That way you ensure you KEEP a paycheck long term. Why not “share the burden”? 

If you think you can eradicate a virus like COVID-19 in less than multiple hundred years?

Or, perhaps, they did something that no one else can do and profited. Evil people are both poor and rich. Rich people can be saviors. Poor people can be killers. And vice versa. 

Well sometimes money is a byproduct of providing a good that helps society. We cant all just never work again. The virus will  be on earth for at least a few hundred years, if not forever. 

Its as if manufacturers should have a team dedicated to nothing more than the cost/profit analysis of bringing these cars to the USA. Oh wait, thats exactly what they have. But ill go ahead and let your imagination make up the numbers. 

A buyer of a new car NEVER things about “serviceability”. Ever. Never ever.

They would sell about 6,000 of these and never gain back the cost to get it crash tested. Just a reminder, Ford sold/sells something like 4,000 Focus RS’s a year. Hot hatchs are a hard sell in America. 

Read between the lines. They have been driving for +366 days. They have taken 40-hrs of supervised drivers education (which is basically just a long drawn out drivers test). These kids have been behind the wheel and also supervised while doing it. Not like its the first time they have driven.

A reasonable comment on Jalopnik?!?! Whoa, this new editor IS making changes. 

You think he is gonna fix it?

Just know, I could care less and I will keep commenting. I know who I am, ask yourself if you are actually who you think you are.

Hard to see a truck on your commute on Wednesday towing a boat on Saturday. How do you know they dont use the vehicle when they arent on the freeway. And please dont say “because it doesnt have dirt on it”. Thats like saying someone doesnt use their mustang because there isnt rubber melted on the rear quarter panel.

HAHAHA see thats what you idiots dont understand. I never want to use that word. I dont want anyone to use that word.