Jalop is Dead

Dont do illegal things. If a cops thinks your doing illegal things, let them do their JOB and then let a JUDGE judge who was right or wrong. Cops DO have the power to use lethal force in certain situations.....just saying you “dont agree with that” does mean you wont be harmed. Its literally spelled out in documents. 

So you listen to them so you dont go into a body bag and then you hire a lawyer and get them fired and also a nice little civil lawsuit. Take the high road. Wait for the judge, the cops are just usher boys. They cant do anything to you. 

I hate to say it but seems like Porsche could have charged double and sold just as many. Its actually a very good product (in theory, never used it in real life) as the radio/buttons on the 996 generation are absolutely shit in terms of quality. Feels worse than a 90s GM vehicle.

Or let the officer shoot to kill if you dont stop. Not a lot of continued crime after that. But both of our policies are too extreme. 

And then he was asked to stop, he proceeded to get in his car and run. You dont have to be doing anything for an officer to approach you but your become a criminal the second you dont obey their legal rights.

idles at 153rpms

So lets just let them go. Surely they will think about what they did and not do it again. 

If I resist arrest.....who knows if this guy has warrants for killing multiple families? No one but its the cops JOB to talk to this individual for breaking the law. Sorry that you defend fucking criminals....get the fuck over yourself jackass.

Cops arent judges, they cant do shit to you. They are just usher boys for the judge. Listen to what they say because they have a lot of authority to make sure you stand before a judge. Sometimes, if your stubborn enough, they will force you to do it in a body bag. This is a fact of life,get used to it or stop being a

Bradley and Erik are dipshits but David Tracy is the only technical writer left. Keep him.

If someone told me I would win an Elise if I could ingress and egress within 30 seconds.....I would not be the winner of an Elise. 

Dont you know, personal accountability is SOOO last decade. Its all about how the rich are making all the poor peoples bad decisions. Buying things you dont need or gambling away what little “disposable” income you have is a necessity that the government should pay for and if they dont then we need the CEOs and

What is bad faith about saying that adjustments to current spending can make you have more expendable income?

Musk: “Bulletproof glass”

I dont hate, I desire change. I dont want anyone using hateful words so that means I am a racist (hahaha always will laugh at that one...and the N-word is one of a TON on that list. I dont want to be “able” to say Honky or Redneck and I doubt you will say that only white people can say those words so again at a loss)

Honestly dont know if we are talking about the same Marines as US Marines. I know a lot of marines (granted, dont know any active right now) and they seem to be THE driving force in the military to get shit done. Someone has to be the first to the battlefield and it sure as shit isnt the Army. Most wars arent fought

So we make it $1 to send the letter and let the tax payer pay the other $9?

Dont need Marines? Dont need Navy?

Hmm, its as if the “libs” idea of what the “gop” wants isnt true.....SAY IT ISNT SO! 

I got a lot more. Get used to it.