Jalop is Dead

Its as if it needs updating from time to time.... who would have thought that about a few hundred year old document.

Most all companies pay out pensions just like the USPS. 

The government should not be operating for profit businesses. Leave mail carriers to the private sector.

The market is effected on how actual data reflects to real data. If company 1 is expected to do Y and they do Y+1, then people react by buying into that company. If company 1 expected to do Y and they do Y-1, then people react by selling out of that company. If they expected to do Y and did Y, no movement.

Ok, lets keep the words have meanings going.... Valid is defined as:

This isnt a math problem, my opinion is just as valid as anyone else. Thats the beauty about an opinionated topic that changes with time. Think if I suggested that we not ever say the n-word 200 years ago. Seems that that would be a valid opinion (to you).

I dont have to agree with everyone. I have my own opinions. I like to understand from the opposite side of the argument. Doesnt make either side right. Clearly still havent learnt that. 

I dont want anyone to ever say that word. Hard to grasp that concept, isnt it. 

We should just ban all protests during this pandemic. 

Please go back and look at what you wrote....”the virus doesnt care what a person may or may not believe.”......”Deniers who choose to ignore science will go first”

So if a black person calls me a redneck.....thats wrong? Right?

Would that be milk?

LMFAO. Thats not me. Funny that you think its me and you have now falsely told at least 4 different people that “you tried to educate him yesterday but he didnt listen and has no interest to listen” so you just fucking flat out lied to these people. And now your double downing saying I am lying.
Not a good look for

With this logic, could you asume that Kyle Larson was using the n-word in a way that was not offensive to black people? I mean, he didnt use it in any negative context. You can replace it with “buddy” (as this most aligns with the “acceptable” uses of this word) and he is simply asking a question.

I havent posted on this site since 4/5/2020. Thats 9 days. This was the first thing I posed since then.

I do not know the answer, hince why I asked. Do you know the answer?

Yup, totally pointless to ask why hate speech is not questioned at all. Go back to only allowing men to own property, pointless to question that selectionism too, right!?!?!?!

I am ignorant on this subject. I was called ignorant in general FOR asking these questions. Quite a different meaning.

You are quite hell bend on me being the evil you want me to be. Listem buddy, you can call me all the names you want if it will help you deal with the lack of love you recieved as a child.