Jalop is Dead

Why do you even come to this website when you can google everything?

Can you let me know what the answer is then?

Ok, let me rephrase, society at large has little to no issue with Kanye saying the n-word. Society at large also seems to turn a blind eye to black people who use this word. But when a non-black person uses this word, its hate speech. I strongly feel that its ALWAYS hate speech. Stop using it.

Can a black person get arrested for saying the N-word in a public place? Not legally, its hate speech. Doesnt sound like anyone has that right. And should black people be PROUD to use that word? Thats what I really dont get, the pride in the continued use of such an oppressive word.

No. Try painting me as the enemy again, didnt work that time.

So only lazy people can use the word lazy?

You are correct and wrong at the same time. A judge is the only one who can enforce how people speak. Police can police how you speak and police can be white and black and any shade in between. So you could have a white police officer policing how a black person is speaking (ie saying Fire in a movie theater).

Honestly thank you for replying. I do get what your saying.

The issue is Kanye says this words literally hundreds of times on his records. No one is saying “Kanye and other musicians need to stop saying the n-word” but if, say, someone who isa race driver says it, its headline news.

Because I want to learn? Since when is asking a question making me ignorant? Wouldnt that be me assuming I know the answer before asking the question?

So you defend Kanye’s use of the N-word? Seems to me that your just a sheep that follows the herd without stopping to do what is right.

Please explain how you can defend Kanye’s use of the N-word.

So you dont think Kanye saying the N-word is an issue at all? Not like young minds are listening to his music or anything..... (sarcasm, thats sarcasm)

So you just omit the largest offender of the use of this word....because its a argument? 

Just asking this is going to make me “automatically a racist” but why can some people say it without repercussion and some people say it and they get fired?

Listen Jaquel, your are not entertaining. It takes you weeks to respond and frankly I dont know if you even have a point to argue, more just trying to be the controller of the conversation. I know people like this, they are idiots who even though can see the world from space, will claim that it is flat.

So they need to buy a $50k BMW sedan, and then a $30k work truck. Yea, thats gonna show the environment!!!!

You are right, he should just take his full salary because that doesnt matter in the grand scheme of things. Or are you trying to argue a dumber point?

Kind of ironic to assemble all of your workers (if in fact that lead image is accurate) within close proximity to demand that the employer give them the necessary equipment to stop a virus that predominantly transferred through exhaled air particulates being inhaled by others.

Social question: I want to go camping on my property in North Carolina to escape a little. Is driving from SC to NC (6hrs...one stop for gas) a socially irresponsible thing to do? It will just be me and the miss. I strangely feel like I shouldn’t drive anywhere? Not sure how being in my car could negatively affect