Jalop is Dead

Whatever you say, burner account of @texturedsoyprotein......

Really trying to build a case around this I see.....sad news, Lisa is a stay at home Protein Shake sales person. She wakes up at 930am, ‘instas for a while about bananna breakfast smoothies, take a few shots in $400 workout clothes, sits on the couch thumbing through new social media platforms on her $4,000 computer

If they were truly about weight, they would just tell you to fart before entering the car. 

This is my take too. All too often we worry about our cars never showing signs of age. Cringe when you feel a rock kick up on the interstate, worry about door dings at the grocery store, clay bar and wax the car 4 times a year, worry about the seat leather getting a crack, etc etc. At the end of the day its just a

And some kid in Texas just died because he drank too much water. Drain the swamp? 

About $7k too much for a TJ. If it had built dana 60s on both ends we might be talking.

I dont know how to make it more clear. I dont care if you do your own car maintenance. I dont care if you drive a CUV. But you have to be enthusiastic about the subject you are writing about, especially if your audience is enthusiastic about the topic. The issue is Erik isnt interested in automobiles. And now the

Ah, the beer elitist. And the movie elitist. Do you also drink fancy coffee and write poems? Corona at least is beer, that sour Kombucha beer you like is sure making you look cool.......

Does it feel weird to sit when you pee?

Have you actually ever rented a Uhaul truck? And did you actually read the article? $56 was the BARE MINIMUM. Add in mileage, extra gas from actual use and it rarely is below $100. I rent 2 or three a year for work. How many do you rent?

Right...and I am arguing that because they are move expensive, the average cost of new cars is more. Understand that, child? For fucks sake, all you care about is others being wrong when if fact your just agreeing with them.

This may be the first corvette that doesnt look great in black. Maybe its the tinted headlights? And who the hell tints headlights on a 6 day old car?

But could you not do that with the JKU? Actually, you probably couldnt because both units wouldnt fit on top. But do people in NYC even have washers and dryers? I thought it was cool to walk around in used clothes.....

The concrete jungle crawler has no predators.

Took the words out of my mouth. Jeep wrangler is hand down the best city vehicle, especially one that experiences snow. From my other reply:

Jeep Wrangler or Jeep Cherokee (XJ....get the hell out of here with that “new” one).

Wrong. I am not required to support people or things that I disagree with and I wont because it makes others more comfortable. Would you expect society to support me if I was a writer for one of the largest sports outlets but didnt know how many yards were on a football field. Erik has continually shown his lack of

Well, considering pets are just animals that we enslave from their home lands, I dont think you REALLY know morality. Additionally, the belly of the plane is the same temperature as the cabin. Its also not dark, there are lights. And if I was an animal, I wouldnt want to be around 300 humans in 2000sqft of space.

I did feel a sort of regret after posting yesterday. But then I think about all the times Erik has shit on people in his posts. Or how some other authors shit on people (IE Elon Musk, Donald Trump, etc) and dont feel bad. 

This is my whole issue, I dont think Erik actually enjoys automobiles. A LOT of the Jalopnik staff is obcessed with things in the automotive sector. Erik is just a dude who can put together words and I dont think he has any interest at all in vehicles. It completely shows. I dont support it and neither should this