Jalop is Dead

Looks like marketing got to you too. Its almost impossible to rent a truck for less than $100 to do anything meaningful when you add in fuel, insurance, taxes & fees, etc.

So what is your argument? That EVs are or are not expensive? Get a grip man. 

You are DIRECTLY racist.

I graduated from a top 20 Mechanical Engineering Program (in the US) but run my own company (never used the degree). If I won the lottery, I would pursue endless things to learn. I would love to be better at TIG welding, car fabrication, knife making, woodworking, etc etc etc. I could keep myself busy learning new

Oh trust me, I enjoy accomplishing things as well as learning new things all the time. I have took welding certificate classes (no certificate seeking) just to learn how to do it. I have refurbished a number of houses, mostly by myself with one or two helping hands. I have learned how to frame, plumb, electric,

Its pretty fun to be me and I enjoy life a lot. I just dont enjoy working to make money to enjoy life. Reflect on the movie Office Space. If you won the lottery, what would you do after? If going back “to work” at the same place you are, listening to the same bosses, doing the same tasks, etc etc then I have

I have yet to see any large union where there wasnt some kind of kickback and bribery.

I hope your tests come back with a clean bill of health sir, gods speed, and thank you for making me question my work for the 3,548th time today!

I honestly think it is impossible to enjoy work. The two are squarely at odds with my take on enjoyment. Enjoyment should not have any set schedule. Work must have a set schedule. The two can never be harmonious.

My brother is living the “silicon valley” life right now. He started some internet securities business and as the CFO, had to do all the “rounds of funding” to get them off the ground. He assured me that the VC’s, Executives and general themes portrayed in “Silicon Valley” show are absolutely spot on. I felt at ease.

This is all I could think of after reading the first three words of the title.

Say what you will about this thing but the HD logo as the grill mesh is absolutely incredible!

You need a toyota camry or honda accord.

Random, yes. This? I mean.....its some comments a 12 year old wrote on an instagram account. I could see if it was incredibly funny or absurd, but this is just typical instagram.

I like to think of it like the Daily Show with John Stewart. Its not necessarily correct, nor incorrect, has a lot of humor as well as bias. Its more entertainment than journalism.

Good god, we are doomed. 

Are we watching Jalopnik fade into the mist of internet irrelevancy? I didnt think Patrick George was that monumental but man I havent seen anything new stick to the walls and a lot of shit has been flung at em.

You are the one who is racist. Admit it and you can recover. 

A 80,000 lb truck does 160,000 times more damage to a roadway surface compaired with a 4,000lb passenger vehicle. The Axle orintation of the 80,000 lb truck is 4 dual tires axles and one single tire axle. The Axle orintation of the 4,000lb vehicle is two single tire axles.

You are right. But the Tesla S made EVs sexy. You had people desire one simply for its sexy appeal, not because it was “saving the earth”. As bad as it sounds, there arent a HUGE percentage of people who actually consciously care about the environment. Tesla made those non-environmentalist look at EVs for more than