Jalop is Dead


Well my GF’s parent are part of the issue....they just bought a house near the corner of old 52 and cypress gardens. Ya know, one of those spec home developments all along that road. I remember just a few years ago (about 15, lets be real) driving that road and literally nothing. Now you look at the Jedburg exit and

Therefore we cannot solve this in the comments section of Jalopnik. We cannot solve this with one federal approach. We need a ton of approaches to tackle the problems each unique environment put up. And due to that MASSIVE challenge, nothing is going to get done.

I think the roadway is about 200' above sea level. Doesnt sound like much until you are spinning the cranks!

No, stop that. It is terrible to generalize about anything based on something else. My point is EACH city is unique. America is huge. We have a LOT of cities. I live in the biggest city in my whole state and its a cluster fuck for commuting. I have lived in a lot of other cities with “unique” characteristics. Some

Charleston. I have ridden my bike over the big bridge we have here (largest single span bridge in North America....its pretty fucking neat) and it was ungodly. And I used to do a lot of mountain biking so not immune to pedaling. Its just 87% humidity and 74* in December make for some bad conditions.

Yes. Charleston. Mt Pleasant is in the Charleston Metro area. Charleston itself only has like 130,000 people.

Would one bus eliminate 50,000 cars? If not then there would be more damage to the road. Not to mention buses run all day/night.

Do you agree or is this lost sarcasm?

You do know that a 80,000lb vehicle does 160,000 times more damage than a 4,000lb car right? Filling the streets with just twice the amount of busses will put a HUGE tax on the roadways. 

Please look up Charleston, SC on a map. We live in a swamp of rivers and ocean. Each land mass is like a huge neighborhood. The cost to build a subway to all land masses, or even just the largest ones, would run up the cost to ungodly amounts. 

In those 7 miles I travel over 5 bridges, 2 of which do not allow pedestrians/bikes. My Uncle died crossing one of those bridges on my commute last years ago. We have been working with the Gov and other pro-bike groups to do something about it but come one, this is fucking SC....if anything they will add a HOV lane

I live in the largest city in South Carolina. It has under 800,000 people. It is a series of land masses all connected with bridges. Lot of water everywhere.

I had nearly this exact exchange with someone I know. He is a “True Conservative” and when I asked if he is going to buy a new Tesla he said rather matter-of-fact “Fuck no, I dont want one of the piece of junk electric cars....pffff Tesla, what a bunch of trash....you cant even drive the damn thing more than 50 miles

I honestly think this is the issue....its the “well its good and all but the liberals like it and its new so we must hate it” - afraid of change conservatives

Is that you, Delta? All joking aside, while you are somewhat correct in that someone with a shit load of money has a different scale than someone with a little bit of money. But the people with throw away money take private planes. If you make $500,000/yr you cant take a private plane because you are too poor....but

Which is probably a good news to others

Speechless as always

Again, you failed to define “city car”.

“One thing the South does really well is being patriotic, and as weird as it is, I feel like Tesla is one of those companies where people don’t recognize it’s an American company like GM and Ford.”