Jalop is Dead

The social media thing is huge these days. Search your city’s (or nearest big city) facebook groups for car clubs. Find the popular ones with +10,000 members. Post experience with the dealer and Honda. Tag the dealer. You will get a call within a few hours.

Sadly the machines are probably dying at the same rate as the capable drivers, meaning that there are 100 manuals for every 1000 interested people. In 20 years there will be 80 manuals for every 800 interested people. Please note that all math is made up for illustration purposes. 

Nope, that is whining. Perhaps if they stopped playing video games in the parents basement (looking at you Cayde 6's Unloaded Dice) and started to interact with the world they would understand that complaining about the desire to change is much less effective than taking action to change.

CP. Maybe if it was a tii then it  would have some hope. But a carburated 2002....no thanks. 

Whining that Uber and Lyft are allowed to operate in our society. They have been taken to court and yet here they are, still operating. So I tell you again, if you want to shut them down, make a law about it. Just dont make it unconstitutional. Which this law was....

Then stop complaining for others to solve your issues. 

I was reiterating the fact that Musk wont build it exactly like he showed, changing everything below the surface to conventional vehicle architecture, eliminate all the actual NEW designs (use of body panels as structure members) while keeping the ugly shape (that isnt needed now that there is a conventional frame)

Truly an honest question:

Perhaps! Or more sadly, light weight and engaging sports cars with petrol engines (doesnt have to be super performance oriented...lets just call it a Miata) will be trading for $250,000 a pop while EVs that go 0-100mph in 2 seconds are $25,000 at the “Buy-here-pay-here” lots. 

Or build it as is just with a conventional frame, aluminum panels, and soften up the design a bit...the Tesla Turds will claim that is the only bold design in the truck segment even though at highway speeds the wind noise sounds like your inside a commercial airliner. 

All you do is whine about problems. You should really learn how to solve them. 

Call your congressman or congresswoman. These are complaints about laws not businesses.

Is Uber the first one to break those laws or are they the first one you are interested about?

Income is income dude. Stop letting emotions overrun facts. And what is small to you is not small to another person. And what is big to you isnt big to another person. If it work for you, keep doing it. If it doesnt work for you, stop doing it. Its IS that simple. Forcing them to shut down so that it “forces” you to


As my father always says “what would it take for you to stand in that small closet over there for 4 hours? Would you do it for $2,000?” If the answer is yes, never buy a first class ticket. The price of entry is incredibly disproportionate to the added comfort you receive.

While reading the specs of this car, I cant help but get confused and enlightened at the same time. Let me explain:

But how do you know that most drivers dont have an endorsement? 

News flash, Uber and Lyft are not designed to be primary income. They never were.

First, you must be a licensed driver to drive for Uber. And you must have had your license for over three years. And you must be 21. Not sure what you mean by “unlicensed” as that is factually incorrect.