Jalop is Dead

The subsidies do not come from underpaid workers. THe subsidies come from VC funds. The workers choose to work for Ubers rates. CHOOSE to work for their rates. Again, CHOOSE. 

The point is the OP said no one is willing to pay for roads. I asked him if he is willing to pay MORE for roads. Simple comment really.

Do you pay your minimum taxes or do you donate more to “the cause”?

I am not sure if you are joking or not....but you can “set it and forget it” in every car. The point is, environments change. In a matter of hours I can go from Sunny 80* weather to the top of a mountain with snow (southern califonia). You cant just say “the system is distracting but YoU dOnT hAvE tO uSe It”.

I want a cheap car that looks good and is reliable.

I do every morning and I love what I see. If you look back at our discussion, its me admitting that this system is at best as good as the old one but at worse terribly distracting.

Fixed cost, dont care. 

And they are increasingly more and more upscale with every iteration.

I dont know about you but I prefer my rides to be partially paid for my some billion dollar VC fund. I can pay for the train all by myself or I can give someone local some money AND cause a hit to Uber’s bottom line.

Didnt you get the Memo that NYC is the center for all of USA’s humanity? No one else matters but the uber (hehe) urban area known as “The City”. Its the greatest gift ever to be bestowed on our fine country.

Save $100 on this one way ticket. Get charged a surplus $100 for return flight.

Except for the cost portion. Subaru is about the worse deal on a simple point A to B car.

Fair enough. Perhaps some direct-to-consumer type of purchase agreement from the manufacturer? But that would likely lead to some serious dealership strikes. 

I wish we could go “down market” with some automobile makers. Somewhat specifically Mazada.

I have decided to try and talk sense into the pencil jar sitting next to me. This conversation is useless to someone with such blind eyes. No amount of reasoning is going to allow you to be impartial to the data. Your mind was made up in 2012 when the Model S was released that Tesla could do no wrong. And nothing has

This is how I imagine the conversation going. And I care none if this is not accurate, I refuse to believe it went down any other way.

“Nothing he says is true.”.....you sound like the one who “makes things up and embellishes”. Just saying. 

You sure do spout off a lot of negative and hate for being such a “environmentalist”. When was the last time you took the bus to work? When was the last time you rode a bike? When was the last time you forwent a vacation because you needed to fly? When was the last time you became vegan? When was the last time you

If you watch 1320 videos you are the stereotype.

You would be adjusting they system the same amount of time. Thats an independent variable in this situation. Distraction is the dependent variable and it is higher in a task that takes not only more time but more congnitive effort to make a decision.