Jalop is Dead

I have a slight belly, drink all types of beer except for Busch,natty,keystone, etc, I like watching NASCAR and hate Jerry Springer and not a Conservative. Imagine that......

And an STi is just a vape blowing weed smoking HOONIGAN wearing latte drinking douche bag with a 2-step and super annoying BOV.

There are quite a few high class shotguns that would like a word with you.....

You have to tap on the fan function. Then slide your finger to adjust the air direction if I remember correctly. This is two functions on a screen with multiple other functions. Thats called a menu.

If you want to switch to defrost....menu. If you want to change anything about the direction of air.....menu.

Ah you are correct. But that “menu item” is on the “front screen” all the time with tactile feedback in the form of a physical knob that clicks with each degree of turn. Too hot, flick that circle to the left. Too cold, flip that circle tot he right.

That BMW driver is having a shitty day.

Oh really? I drove one a few months back. It wasnt as if I could change the cabin temp without interacting with the screen...which wasnt in my line of site of travel.

Right, so lets just live in total anarchy. I mean, do you hear yourself? Perhaps this world would be better if we did just murder everyone who did any single crime. But we would all be dead. If only there was a world we lived in that wasnt just black and white and there was a massive gray area between criminals and

Those sources were from a book published in 1999 and another published in 2011. Hardly relevant now, dont you think. Also, there is not an easy way to reference these sources unless you buy the book so....I am guessing they are a heartless attempt to paint pickup truck buyers as bros. 

Driving isnt hard either. But yet we have roughly 5 people an hour die because they dont know how to do it and have an accident. 5 people an hour die in a vehicle. And driving is not hard.

LOL, you cant cite Wikipedia as a source. Have you not gotten to 6th grade yet?

Are the rich immune to such punishments? Ok, again, I said I dont know how to fix the issue. Lets just do nothing, or worse, criticize every “solution” so that it doesnt get implimented, argue about it over and over and then sit on our thumbs and wait for someone to make a decision so we can argue over that decision.

LOL, so why do we have ANY laws or ANY police? From your take, all enforcement of law does it make it so our justice system’s back end grinds to a halt? And a couple of criminals ruined their families? Imagine that.....

Ok, three strikes youre murdered.

And this truck is the most rugged and the most tough truck there is”...this is a direct quote from Elon Musk during the reveal. So yes, I completely agree. Musk and Tesla need mocking. 

This is all assumptions.....how can you claim that everyone critiquing is a mall crawler? As far as I know, the one demographic that REALLY buys trucks (work truck owners) this is just a joke of a truck that couldnt do a days work on jobsite. 

Make phone use a 3 strikes your out policy. Three infractions, loss of license for 10 years.

To be fair, about the only Porsches you can buy at $35k are the SUVs or Boxster.

Ahh yes, here comes the hate. You are such a wonderful human, I wish we could all be as hateful as you.