Jalop is Dead

I cant see your point without sources to your claims. How is the driver the client of Uber? Where does it state the driver’s client is the rider? 

If you really want to blow your mind, just look up some public records about you and where you live (if its a house).

Tonly is not the sales person. The client (rider) interacts with the sales person (the app) and accepts the fair. The driver (contracted to work for Uber/Lyft when he/she signs onto the app after accepting the terms and conditions) is tasked with picking the client up and dropping them off.

You are the reason they do not disclose this information. Uber has over 22,000 employees (not including drivers) and Lyft is somewhere around 5,000 employees.

Why do the drivers need to know how much Uber or Lyft charged for the ride? Its has no relevancy to their operation.

What? You dont keep 100% of the ride and then “pay” it back to Uber and Lyft. That would be a contractor for the rider and Uber and Lyft would be YOUR contractor.

Yet they line up out the door to drive for each company....must not be so bad huh?

Wrong. You are not contracted by the user. Youre contracted by Uber and Lyft.

Wrong. Your “contract” is with Uber and Lyft. The rider is using UBER and LYFT platforms. They pay them directly. Uber and Lyft give you a cut. They are the ones setting the price model and as the contractor you AGREE to them setting the price model. WHen you sign the “accept terms and conditions” this allows them to

Why? And if not, what will you do? Stop driving? I think you should.....

Sounds like you should change jobs, buddy. 

If you complain and do nothing about your situation then I laugh in your face. If you complain and do everything you can (this is rarely the case because excuses come into play) then I will gladly support you. If you dont complain and do nothing, I will gladly buy you a drink and have a conversation.

How can you demand minimum wage for a contractual job? Listen, I have worked as a General Contractor for a number of years. I have actually PAID money to do work for people due to project issues. Where is my “minimum” wage? If I work for 3 months on a project and its has some rain delays and I overrun my budget, who

If they needed better pay, why do drivers line up out the door to work for them? Ever heard of supply and demand? You are failing to accept that people can make bad decisions all on their own.

I worked as a General Contractor for a bit. You think I told my subs how much the remodel was costing the client? As in, Betty approaches me about a bathroom remodel. She says her budget is $15,000. When I hire a tile guy, do you think he needs to know what the job paid me or does he/she just need to know they will

Wrong. Uber and Lyft still have expenses. They arent just a cloud in the sky. Uber has over 22,000 full time employees. Obviously this is not counting subcontracted drivers.

HA! Glad I am not the only one who felt like being a Journalist for the day. Shame on you, Jalopnik!

You can go to WalMart tomorrow and get a job for $15/hr. Its probably not full time and doesnt come with benefits BUT its minimum wage that everyone is so hung up on.

Stay in school kid, the world is not ready for you idealism.

They wont drop you for not working 40 hours a week. They wont even drop you for making one ride a month. They wont drop you for not working every day or even certain hours. These are all false. Stop.