
 Fuck Trump voters. A few of my fellow Liberal friends always criticize me for my hateful attitude towards them and other bigots. Saying I should be try to be nice to them and win over their hearts and minds. Fuck that. It’s not my job. I’m no therapist. Some act like I’m worse than Richard Spencer because I would

Seriously. Get the fuck out with this concern trolling on Ivanka’s behalf.

In 20 years if Sasha Obama is an advisor to a president and wants to lie about her youth, she should be held to account too.

So if I’m at an event and Pence is there, all I have to do to get him to leave is to kneel? Shouldn’t this be on Lifehacker?

the Scooby-Doo knockoff pet dog

True Blood. One minute thirty seconds of perfect Southern Gothic mood, imagery, and music, usually followed by an hour of what felt like watching a burning dumpster full of Anne Rice novels.

It is a long movie, but I was not bored. My knees started hurting after 2 hours but that happens with most films I see in the movie theater. The movie, to me, was worth it.

It’s always bizarre to see what the Glee people are up to now - it’s both recent and something of a distant memory.

Martyrdom is too good for these idiots.

Member of law enforcement here. There is no legitimate reason for any civilian to have access to assault weapons. None. Fuck the libertarian bullshit. Full stop.

Bill O’Reilly - The Wet Fart of the White Race.

Once upon a time (the 1960s, for example), the NRA was an organization of hunters, and so your arguments would make sense. Now it really is an organization of paranoid people who think a new Civil War is coming and they think they need military-grade weapons to fight off the Democrats and their UN allies in black

Man, fuck this clown-shoes, garbage-ass, dickstain.

I was honestly hoping I wouldn’t read about this guy again until his obituary.

Completely tangental but have your read/listened (I’m an audiobook fiend) to The Scarlet Gospels? It’s a sequel to Clive Barker’s Hellbound Heart (The basis for the Hellraiser films) and is really cool, lots of Pinhead wickedness.

Nothing you can do about Bill O’Reilly, folks. Although the Second Amendment people, maybe there is…

How about for starters we ban assault rifles? Can we at least have that much, wingnuts?

You’d think that a big fucking mouth with a huge shiny bald head would make an easy target.

Have some decency! The accident just happened and you’re already trying to politicize it. Now is NOT the time for for discussing oversized prop gun control.