www.tunefind.com is a great resource for finding...well the tunes in TV shows and movies. Not to brag but it was I who posted that it was Randy Crawford's version of Street Life on the site tonight.
www.tunefind.com is a great resource for finding...well the tunes in TV shows and movies. Not to brag but it was I who posted that it was Randy Crawford's version of Street Life on the site tonight.
Depression is a horror movie
Let’s face it. Paul is the true hero of this story.
Until I got to the last random thought I was torn between the episode title referring to the painting or the awesome Sly Stallone movie.
So much neon!!!!
Ican’t be the only one who hates the theme music for Homeland
The Affair (you can quibble the show’s merits all you want but that Fiona Apple caterwauling is painful)
Am I the only one who thinks Ms Grundy did nothing wrong?
What does having so many followers have to do with being alt-right trash?
Alt-right Nazi fuck heads pretty much say whatever they want on Facebook. And Reddit for that matter.
Spastic Aspies, the lot of ‘em.
Whoever loses we win.
Did your hugbox break tonight? Have you tried rocking back and forth. Or slapping your head repeatedly?
Calm the fuck down you spastic Apies
They should have retired Hell in the Cell after Undertaker vs Mankind. Nothing will ever top that.
I still liked it’s theme
That made me laugh harder than it should.
And that’s how Alan Rickman got frostbite from giving Tim Allen a handjob