
It rules*

“ I brought it to a college football game and my face got really sticky.”

Bug has two terrific performances from Shannon and Ashley Judd (where did she go?) but I can only imagine what you would think if you came in expecting a standard issue studio horror movie.

If that’s your recurring nightmare, don’t see this movie bc you’ll never sleep again. It made me so glad I live in a tiny place with one entry by myself. Nobody is ever coming into my apartment again.

Just got done seeing it and I honest to god feel like Aranofsky was legit trying to alienate people with this. It’s like 90 minutes of an off-putting Brechtian chamber drama followed by some of the craziest shit you’ll see in a mainstream film. Who the hell was this weird ass movie for?


I give it 5 stars out of 5.

No. The review clearly states that as time goes on they accumulate more and more people.

rapidly devolves into a violent nightmare of cannibalism, cultism, and genocide, gruesomely parodying the narrative of Christianity, from Genesis to the gospels.

Forget it, Drew. It’s Murphytown.

Clinton lost because of Russian intervention and gerrymandering.

Exactly, how much coddling does the Midwest needs for crying out loud? National politicians don’t come down to where I am unless they want money, but I understand because we are a city in a red state. I don’t need my hand held and see them in person to vote for them, that’s what the internet and the media is for, so I

Chicken George or GTFO!!

I still watch Big Brother, and I won’t apologize for it.

We would have more faith in the idea that you cared about your longtime devoted base if you bothered to make even a token effort to demonstrate that.

Politics Corner -DACApocalypse Edition. He did it. Or rather, he had Jeff Sessions do it, because he’s a coward. Sessions claimed that DACA recipients were taking hundreds of thousands of jobs from Americans. First off, they ARE American. Second, many of them create jobs by starting businesses. Third, many more create

well Janey-E was already settling for a fake-Dougie.

Do you want hepatitis? Because that’s how you get hepatitis.

Wait...they’re trying to DIVERSIFY the Heathers?

The car chase is by far the action highlight of the movie, but the fight scenes - particularly the finale with the Joker - are nearly incomprehensible.