
A very confident Roger Goodell just suspended Scott Fujita 8 games for having a Dragon Ball Z ass name and declared the entire matter closed.

If you want to taste plastic instead of water, go ahead. It takes maybe 20 minutes of direct sun inside a car to ruin bottled water.

Galette: I got a verbal agreement with a division rival so now I can say whatever the hell I want, because the deal is pretty much locked up.

If I were a team on the market for a free agent linebacker, I know I’d want the one who would immediately go public with all of the team’s dirty laundry immediately after he gets let go from the team.

Sean Peyton: [puts $1000 on the board next to Galette’s picture]

NOT the best a team can get...

I think it’s because the sunlight starts to degrade the plastic, potentially compromising your water.

It’s only for bottled water; sunlight degrades plastic.

Bottled water is not really cleaner or better; just fantastically more expensive than tap. When bottled and sold within the same state (60%-70% of all bottled water), it is not subject to FDA regs at all.

Bottled water is dumb as shit. I get that maybe you need some for your emergency supply, but on a day to day basis? In most first world countries tap water is cleaner and healthier than bottled water. It’s absolutely ridiculous and people who drink bottled water daily should be shamed.

Agreed! and good for you. +1 We watched them pull an entire barge of them out of the ocean in San Diego once and it was astonishing.....they’re evil and there’s really no need for them if you plan ahead and simply use your own bottle. I know people who buy cases a week at Costco and wanna slap em.

Didn’t Duck Hunt come out in 1984? So if we sent stuff to the aliens in 1982 how would they have access to the Duck Hunt dog?

“I recognize that thing on screen from something else I saw when I was younger. Ha ha! This is great writing!”

Credit where credit is due, that version of Pac-man is pretty clearly based on the 3D-prerendered-sprite version of the character from Pac-Mania: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pac-Mania So it’s not just some freaky hybrid Pac-man that the movie made up.

Yes. The movie’s understanding of geek culture stops in 1984.

TLDR version: it’s an Adam Sandler movie, it plays out exactly how you’d expect it to

Pixels is more like a classical drama than a mere “movie.”

Of course its Thorn! It’s always someone with Thorn!

I Know What You Did Last Summer, But It Was Dark So I May Not Know What You Did Last Summer, But In Any Case If You Tell Your Parents About What You Did Last Summer, I’ll Kill Your Fucking Family