Fun fact: the character of Stan Grossman is mentioned by name in the movie Fargo and then later appeared (played by Bryan Cranston) in the movie Little Miss Sunshine.
Fun fact: the character of Stan Grossman is mentioned by name in the movie Fargo and then later appeared (played by Bryan Cranston) in the movie Little Miss Sunshine.
I heard that after he got arrested, his bail was posted for 900 Dollarydoos.
I don’t see the Super Bowl Committee asking her to come back and perform, hmmmm
Is this another episode of “Really? with Seth & Amy”?
Gerard Butler the butler.
Plus watching it now makes it so dated. It aired in the middle of the 1996 president primary/election. I mean you could only do so many Bob Dole jokes.
This real life story... four stars.
Wasn’t there a story during the election season of a man claiming to be Trump’s agent leaving a flattering voicemail about his client to some media company and then people suspected it was Trump who called himself.
When I think of clowns I think of Congress!
Well let me just quote the late-great Colonel Sanders, who said “I’m too drunk to taste this chicken.”
But didn’t the creator of Charlie Brown recently die in a fire?
They all didn’t adore him.
In the wake of all this news of sexual predators in show business, it’s time we take our minds off of that and remember the legacy of Michael Jack... oh, wait.
M. Night Shymalan breaks out his laptop for another hit movie idea!
Like former Simpsons showrunner Josh Weinstein
I need to know just by the title that this is part of the Star Wars™ Cinematic Universe. If I see a movie just called “Solo” is coming out, I’m gonna think it’s an animated movie about anthropomorphic plastic Solo cups.
Some clothing company got heat a few years ago for that but I don’t think it was a costume but supposed to be just a shirt
Sandra did say an actor who worked with her in two films was a total gentleman, by the name of Piano Leaves.
She’s my heroine. And by that I mean woman hero. I don’t want to inject her into my veins and listen to jazz.