Remember when FDR made that gaffe in 1942 when he called Nazis "good people"?
Remember when FDR made that gaffe in 1942 when he called Nazis "good people"?
Trump is the real Pee-ano Man
Jumpin' Joker Flash
Martin Scorsese is involved.
That's good!
"Sympathy for the Devil" is played over the trailer.
That's bad.
That song was Trump's favorite too until he found out the singer wasn't saying "urine ocean"
Nope, not even her husband Peter Sarsgaard.
With the upcoming Kinja apocalypse upon us, I'd figure now is the time to get something off my chest… I, Jake, have been behind the Simpsons Quote Generator account (and a number of other quote generating gimmick accounts). Except Seinfeld Quote Generator, he was my inspiration.
Or maybe just use the image of young Jason jumping out of the water attacking Alice.
Betsy Palmer remains one of countless actors whose motivations for acting in a horror movie is pretty easy to relate to…
Eleanor was secretly in the parked VW Beatle!
Eddie Deezen?
"Kinja is the new Facebook!" - Wired Magazine
Spatula City!
Spatula City!
Someone call me an ambulance I think I'm having a chart attack
Check out the version by Hurrah Torpedo. They use discarded appliances as their instruments
Is there something bad about Tiffany? I know very little about her
Is America great again yet?
What did Trump say when Huey Lewis got a new drummer?
Evangelicals still love him because he keeps saying "abortion is bad."