Jake Gyllenhaal

Around the time of his custody trial there was an article by a psychiatrist who diagnosed him with narcissistic personality disorder and mentioned that him taking his shirt off is a sign of his alpha male persona used as a power and intimidation tactic to exhude over other people he views as weak, much like how a

We were promised flying cars!

Since that day that's always been my assumption and still is. No way is he running for 2020 because he'll either be impeached, resign, or dead (from the massive toll the job is putting him mentally and physically through)

It's my anti-depressant

This logic has more holes than Swiss cheese

Sorry Jesus, it's only for those of us in show biz.

Hey, Chuck has moral standards… he doesn't do that in front of the kids.

First Chuck and now Steve Bannon. Tough time for guys losing their job despite the ability to suck their own dick.

Also, I know he gets a lot of shit, but Guy Fieri has one of the best jobs in the world… travels the country highlighting independently own restaurants, sampling all their best dishes without having to gorge himself, and thus boosting the restaurant's profile to bring in more business. Though he doesn't help himself

Earwolf had for sale a limited batch of Hot Saucerman sauce with each bottle signed by the man himself. As someone who enjoys spicy food, that sauce was disappointingly mild

I made the mistake of chopping up fresh jalapeños while touching them with my bare fingers and then took a pee break without washing my hands first

I always assumed his doctor warned him if he'd continue it'd cut his lifespan considerably and/or the network's insurance wouldn't cover him if he continued getting bigger

Now that's a Steve Martin quote that needs to come back into style.

Fuck the robots. My brother lost his job at Chuck E. Cheese in 2003 because he was replaced by a robot willing to work for free with no benefits.

Democrats want to give welfare to illegal (built in China) unemployed robots!!

"Did that mouse just say the n-word?"

Chuck E. Cheese patrons expect a level of quality when it comes to their food. Fresh mozzarella? Tomato paste? Edible bread? That's for city folk.

If PornHub existed when I was 15, I don't think I would have graduated from high school

Holy crap, a stereotype who time traveled from 1993