Every person I know in the service industry tips far above 20% because they have a unique understanding of the difficulties of the job.
Every person I know in the service industry tips far above 20% because they have a unique understanding of the difficulties of the job.
There’s going to be a hundred comments about why you shouldn’t tip or why it should only be X% instead of Y%.
HamNo is part of the subsection of leftists who dream of being at the head of their own Reign of Terror, lopping the heads off of all of their political enemies. These aren’t people who believe in democracy all that much, usually because they can’t dial back the purity long enough to build a majority coalition of…
ur mom is a functional ball handler
The women in my family have always said, “how you get ‘em is how you lose ‘em,” but this feels almost too on the nose.
I know exactly how to stay monogamous in a partially long-distance relationship: Don’t become romantically involved with other people.
Wizards fan here. He always looks like that. His face in the last 5 minutes of any close game (see Game 7 last year against the Celtics) reveals that he has absolutely no clue about what to do. This is why the 4th quarter of any game is always Wall-Beal hero ball.
One half of a pair of slacks.
So.... who is he? Why do I have to google him? It should be in your article.
Stop bringing carry-on bags that won’t fit under the seat in front of you on planes. Just stop doing it. You will instantly be 100x calmer during the entire process, as you sit and watch all the idiots stand in line (or even better, stand in line just to wait for their section to be allowed to stand in line) so they…
It’s Costco. Shut down the comments. Cosco is the answer.
Trader Joe’s. Trader Joe’s is by far the fucking worst, especially if it’s in a city. Always crowded, a bunch of dipshits picking through ingredients like they’re on Top Chef, and that fucking bell that rings every 30 seconds. I like most of their stuff there but would give up one of my children to never have to shop…
Durant heard that Jackson was winning the argument so he’s on his side now.
When his balls hit your eyes and you say “where’s that guy?”, that’s Adoree’…
So how was he able to move his core to the clavicle region?
My theory is that if weights wanted to be lifted so badly they wouldn’t be so goddang heavy
- play to only double par. If you’re about to go over pick up.
I bet on the Big Ballers +49. Ruined my weekend.
It’s objectively better if you imagine him yelling “Austin Rivers!” before every clip.
hope his buick is ok