Sounds like a lot of these grandpas are just dicks. As a former server, I’m raging reading some of this shit. Be weird at home grandpas. Don’t bring that weirdness to a restaurant.
Sounds like a lot of these grandpas are just dicks. As a former server, I’m raging reading some of this shit. Be weird at home grandpas. Don’t bring that weirdness to a restaurant.
He has a future career in announcing.
The equivalent situation for us normal people is probably buying/selling a house. I applaud Sherman because I’ve always been too chicken and lazy to attempt it without a real estate agent.
This is kinja so let’s find one quote that doesn’t jive with the orthodoxy of the moment and say good riddance, didn’t suffer enough. Don’t disappoint me posters.
The When meme needs to go away, although I like the ones in this post. It’s just that there’s so many bad ones on IG, it has ruined it for me.
Oh you speak for people. Ok, good to know. Hey everyone: “BadOmbre” of the internet says that people don’t care about infidelity. Do you wear your Nike TW hat sideways?
Remember when he cheated on his spouse with porn stars?
Eeli’s coming? Better hide your Hart Trophy.
When does Van Gundy finally shed the reputation of a good coach? He hasn’t done squat in forever. Even now, with him and Doc, it’s like they’re bad GMs but still good coaches. Maybe win?
What did it replace? What happened to the chat attached to outlook or do most employees sit on the floor with macbooks now?
People called Powell General. Pretty cool that you can do something for one day and be called that the rest of your life: general, president, ambassador, felon, etc.
The wizards strategy only worked because of LUCK and stopping the clock and prolonging the game. It was mathematically wrong and awful to watch. I hate hack-a.
Did the ref choke on his whistle and then have a seizure? WTF was that?
Oh yea, you see that every game where someone could obviously attempt the heave but is suddenly in quicksand or takes an extra dribble and is like, oh, whoopsie, I didn’t get it off in time.
Florida Overwatch Team honors Parkland shooting victims... before virtually shooting each other to death.
Now he’s gonna have some mental hangup about only being able to shoot after a spin move. The nearest defender will be 10 feet away and he’ll spin move into a shot.
I can only tolerate John Wall when he’s throwing down left-handed dunks and whipping cross-court passes. When he’s kind of sucking on the court and then getting hurt and getting butt-hurt on ESPN, then he’s intolerable. Could you imagine if KD actually did go to DC? Two insufferable, insecure stars.
All true. I’d prefer to move Porter and Mahinmi too but nobody wants the Wizards’ overpaid players. Mahinmi is untradeable. Porter is close to untradeable even though he’s good (just makes too much). Best move is to fire Grunfeld.
To Ernie’s credit though, this signing has worked out SO poorly, that after Mahinmi puts up a 12 and 7 like last night (with customary 6 fouls), conditioned Wizards diehards are like “Great game from Mahinmi!”
Could’ve also used the arrest this man for crimes against sports headline recently used for Jeff Fisher.