
Wow man. As a Wizards fan, I’ve only tracked his incompetence for the Wizards. Thanks for this.

Embiid eviscerated him like The Shredder.

He will be remembered for his dumb clothes.

All the teammates are together except Durant. Boo. I wanted to see the teammates go at each other.

Gorillas wearing living rat armor riding buffalo.

Smooth move doofus.


Unfortunately football recruits can’t do this but is like to see the top bball recruits—like the TOP—eff the NCAA and Kentucky and Duke and go play overseas or for the Big 3 for a year. Who was the highest profile to do this? Brandon Jennings?

Wizards Jordan was great but I’m biased because that’s the only Jordan I saw in person. Youtube his dirty dirty ownage of Ron Mercer.

How would you like it if your client asked you to resend your last email but separate each word in it’s own email? And then 10 more clients asked similar ridiculous bullshit the same day? Every day?

To me, this boils down to people being picky fucking pussies. Work as a server and you’ll eventually become so jaded and misanthropic that you wish death on every asshole who diverts from the menu. Aww wittle baby doesn’t like tomatoes? You don’t eat anything that casts a shadow? People are so fucking SOFT. Everyone

Yea I can’t believe Miz was able to land Lavar Ball hawking his dorky brand. What a fantastic get.

This game saved the season. The Cavs are Neo slamming the Warrior’s Agent Smith and their inevitibility into the ceiling.

Interesting article until you start slandering police at the end with no evidence. Were you like, wait, am I writing something positive about police? Oh fuck, uhh, ok, one more paragraph: police are rapists. There, that’s better. Publish.

We’re all just twisting ourselves into intellectual pretzels trying to demonstrate how open-minded we are, aren’t we? The insane are sane and what’s absurd is normal. Oh, some Londoners just got stabbed in the face and run over a mere week after their little girls were blown up by a nail bomb. Carry on.

19k views? The world is ending. Fuck off and die.

Yea, you need something sharp and something flat. But they’re not much if you plan ahead and go to amazon and don’t buy one at the course. Plus, it’s like a switchblade!

Counterpoint to 1: Davis Love’s dad believed in learning distance first--that short game can always be fixed and improved upon, but that once you have “a swing”, and it’s not one that produces distance/power/clubhead speed, it’s more challenging to change your swing for more distance. But yea, short game will

When starting, I would add 1) play with someone who knows how to play (Dad, friend, whatever) so you learn the etiquitte which is important--it’s not snobbery, 2) it’s ok to play bad, if you play bad and fast (that ball that went deep into the woods? it’s gone, drop somewhere on the fairway, 3) embrace that you

Bwahaha. Black and gold brought it! 0:58 when whichever Ball kid this is gets blocked and shoved, then immediately after when he commits a turnover and the opponent gleefully dances. Get ready for a career of that thanks to Insano Daddy. Also, sorry kid. But mostly hah.