
Absolutely insane that terrorist attacks in the West would resonate with people in the West. I just can’t fathom it.

A Schiano Man spikes the ball on 4th, SO HE CAN FORCE A FUCKING FUMBLE ON THE VICTORY KNEEL!

I can respect a regular takeout slide. Utley was even with the base before he even hit the deck and on top of that, he never touched the bag. This is some BULLSHIT.

You can take the Chase Utley out of Philadelphia, but you can’t take the Philadelphia out of Chase Utley. Seriously, fuck this guy.

That’s a straight up tackle with intent to injure.

Right-wing propaganda piece about a small businessman just trying to feed his family by opening up a dinosaur theme park but burdensome government regulations prevent him from doing so just because the last four dinosaur theme parks resulted in thousands of deaths.

Actual conversations I’ve had:

“Summer is the best time to visit Russia.”

I used to play pretty seriously. The rules are simple. The main goal is to achieve “The Queen’s Errand,” or have the most netted balls by the end of the crow’s watch. If the pepper is placed in your path, you have to wheel the cranberry using only the poetic side of your bike. The lines on the court indicate the

When reached for comment, Floyd dodged, then weaved, then danced around for about forty minutes, then kinda batted the question away, smiled a lot, and received the award anyway for some fucking reason.

Great job Adam, 1.5 thumbs up

“He used to ride me pretty hard.”

As a recent dad, I hope that kid’s okay.


Over priced aging stars from other teams playing out their career in Yankee stadium? Stop. The. Presses.

No, no, no. Those are oranges in your one hand and apples in the other!

Pirlo is better than everybody on the USWNT. So it makes sense.