
For once, I agree with Roger Goodell and I am just happy all of this abuse is on tape.

“The players won’t like this, but I wish they all would stop growing beards in the postseason,” Lazarus said. “Let’s get their faces out there. Let’s talk about how young and attractive they are.


Craziest walks I’ve ever witnessed:

“Give us your tired, your hungry, your huddled masses yearning to be free...and we will strip them of their passports and send them to Qatar as slaves to live in squalor while they build us monuments!” - FIFA Mission Statement

“Sir,” the concierge said, “I’m just calling you to say that we’re going to need you to come to your door and open it for us or we’re going to have to kick it in.”

And this fucking guy is going to win a fifth term. It’s a colossal farce.

But everyone expects the Maple Leafs to collapse into oblivion. That’s not even alternate universe.

If they said they were also Maple Leafs fans then at least they could use “insanity” as a plausible defence.

I was actually hoping that Montana was his (?) whole name.

That graphic is pretty damn disconcerting. I wasn’t sure if it was actually shaking or I recently had a concussion.

Did you...did you watch any of the game?

Seriously though, if we’ve had the dog forever—I do not currently own a dog, because I have three kids, and the youngest one does enough dog-like things to make owning an actual dog redundant—and some guy is offering to buy it, and my kids are pulling on my leg being like, “Don’t sell Sparky!”, I’m probably keeping

I look forward to the documentary’s highly shocking revelation that FIFA is an extremely corrupt organization, several FIFA employees may be on the take and the workers of Qatar are effectively enslaved.

1982 Patriots - Kenneth Sims taken over Jim McMahon, Marcus Allen, and Gerald Riggs...

Or when he was the starting goalie of the Canadian Olympic team and won a gold medal? Definitely wilted against the US in the semifinals and Sweden in the finals.

I’d say this signals that the Cubs season is officially over but we knew that long before the goat was on the loose.

Seems like a fairly advanced case of conpucktivitis.

Actually, that is the bad news from the football camp for Chicago sports fans. Jay Cutler is still healthy.