
"Yeah I know"

So, an owner telling a fan to fuck off, which is what Dolan was doing, is okay. But, not wearing "business attire" to a game is is deemed worthy of the commissioner's time.

I wouldn't blame the crew in Toronto, it's been a while since they saw a good goal.


Still a better signing than Lance Stephenson.

Richardson remained hopeful that things would work out for him, whereas the Colts stood by their initial request that he do the workouts himself.

Coach: Sorry, but you are going to need to lose some extra pounds if you want to be on the field for the AFC Championship.

No worries Trent, your career still has life...

Jack Parkman was a dickhead.

A. J. Pierzynski. That guy is a dick. And he bleaches his hair, which makes it worse.

why is it that so many of these ceo types cant use proper punctuation. ill bet its because.they are alcoholics.maybe

Does anyone else feel that by the end he's just writing that letter to himself?

James Dolan defies electrophysics by being repulsive to everybody.

So, some guy tells Dolan that he sucks at his job (can't argue with that based on the results) and Dolan counters by suggesting he's an alcoholic? Are we sure James isn't a Scientologist?

a cable industry giant hates his customers? Didn't see that one coming.

Dear Electron,

To be fair, he also has no idea how to work in an industry that is a monopoly.

I doubt the rest of the English-speaking world recognizes the New York definition of "Respectfully."