
"Creamer finished with a 69..."

Pictured: every Matt Stairs jersey.

The season hasn't even started yet and there's already signs of the Royals sliding.


someone had left an indeterminate amount of semen on the sheets of the second bed, and those sheets had been taken away for cleaning, and hadn't come back.

It does not bode well that the 'missing' dog has two different names and they're both food.

...not all man holes are always covered

"Dammit! The Broncos defense was supposed to be running security for these press conferences!"

"Methinks he doth protest too much."

"The whole city is straight. Well, almost." - Marco Filippeschi, Mayor of Pisa

Please, god, let this mean that someday we can act like Macklemore's records never happened. . .

Its cool when very different people can come together to find something they can agree on like how Macklemore dislikes George W. Bush because of his stance on gay marriage and Carroll dislikes him because he blew up the twin towers.

Blessed are they who did not see Tebow play, and yet believe.

Deadspin Jeopardy

"Strong take."

Could ESPN Conjure a More Beaten-To-Death Narrative Over Which Vapid Debate Ran Its Course More Than a Year Ago and Yet Any Opportunity to Bring Up the Cash Cow is Readily Seized Upon by Network Executives in A Cynical Ploy to Boost Ratings to the Detriment of All Our Collective Happiness and Emotional Stability?

Could Sam Bowie lead the Bulls to Six NBA Championships?

Only if he was driving their bus.

Just spotted Pete Carroll with 12 items in the 10 items or less line.

Well, you didn't expect a former QB to shop at Saks, did you?