this. 100%.
this. 100%.
I'm hard.
Worst idea I’ve heard related to an injury. “Oh, I can’t drive stick for a while, so I’ll just BUY ANOTHER CAR”
uhhh... hmmm...
I wish someone would have seen how awesome he still is. Was a 45-50pt/year producer when he left the NHL (lots wingers can’t do that).
it’s worked flawlessly for me. I’m in AZ. Used to live in VA (had then). I travel for work, and it works everywhere I’ve gone.
weird. myself, my brother in law, and probably half a dozen other friends of mine (scattered around the US) all have paid subscriptions, and I have zero problems with it. absolutely none.
omg this is such a fake news horseshit story. my, goodness, Torch.
I agree it is the PSL of convertibles...but with a giant V8 swapped out’s the greatest of tiny convertibles.
Tom, get a Miata. Put an LS in it.
actually, I just signed-on for the first time in two weeks, thanks for assuming. The parallels between Brexit and Trump are that of people not following the “design” you lefties have put forth. We’re not playing that shit, and fuck all of you that think it’s good.
Great list, Meghan.
it’s weird I find myself actually really liking some of the semi-new Caddies...but for real, Lincoln is killing it. Alright, alright, alright.
I believe me, and that’s all that matters. I didn’t vote for the orange man, but I’m definitely tired of him being the center of attention. I mean my goodness. Grow up, move on.
you’re all butt hurt losers. for serious, your candidate didn’t win, and anyone who didn’t vote for them has “wrong think”
how’s this comment working for you now? 600+ days of investigation, countless indictments, interviews with thousands. See it all here:
lmao you really are a “dude bra” aren’t you, brah?
Krebs makes me hate living in the 21st century. Makes me hate having lived in the 20th.