
"If there's even the slightest chance this breakthrough delivers as promised, and I can actually use my phone as a phone without worrying about killing the battery..."

Why is there a joystick on the back? Because Honey Badget don't give a f*ck.

When the Martin Logan Purity's first came out, I happened to be at my local A/V store. They unboxed them in the main foyer and plugged them directly into the wall, placing a very simple side table between them. Another guy plugged in a headphone-to-RCA adapter and hooked it to a standard iPod dock, placing it on the

Bingo. I love good beer as much as the next guy, but an American macrobrew has it's place. Tailgating and after yardwork, just like you said. Fishing boat in the summer? Beach chair with your feet in the surf? Just finished 18-holes?

Latency issues. Sound fidelity. The need to still have wires on "wireless" speakers (i.e., power cables).

Occultist oculists? Definitely can't trust those guys.

Seriously. Who told you???

My first job was (with no previous training!), desktop publishing after high school on a Mac IIcx, using Aldus Pagemaker and "proofed" on a Laserwriter IINT. I bought my first car with money from that job.

Agreed. There were two Jamboxes on my last beach trip - and they were way more impressive than I thought they would be. That said, when the party started to fire up, they weren't quite loud enough; we would have to switch over to a Bose SoundDock Portable to be able to still hear music.

Ummm, guys? "Jason" is actually Reed Hastings. That's why he chose the name.

Hmmm. Netflix splits off the DVD business - and now includes video games? I'm wondering if Qwikster will cross the last frontier ... porn by mail.

He is an utter badass. Unfortunately, Giz reposts the President's telling, which is very similar to the "official" Marine version. For the non-whitewashed version, read the Wall Street Journal's account - as told by a Vietnam-era Marine who does their battlefield reporting:

Agreed. Android might not be the iOS killer that some wish for, but it can definitely be the "shitty, proprietary OEM user interface on top of outdated Linux" OS killer...

Nah. I think most American liberals are more Socialist in bent than Communists.


And, what, pray tell, would you offer as the cornerstones of Liberal thought? Das Kapital and An Inconvenient Truth?

I'm very surprised that someone hasn't written an app like this for the iPad. Displays photos, shows the weather, plays a variety of music sources, works as an alarm (with news/Twitter/Facebook feeds pre-updated).

This is the question. Can it dethrone (har,har) the King?

To all of you "gun-control" wusses who think that it's irrational to go hunting with an M4/M16 or an AK47...please see picture 3.

They all have that brand, somewhere on there body. It's part of the Board of Directors initiation. Don't tell anyone, but I've heard that Andrea Jung's is on her ass - it was her call.