
I've posted this before - but decreased boarding time is the reason behind Southwest's "no seat reservation policy". People will skip over rows that are temporarily unavailable and head to the first easy row that they like.

Nah. In a six seat/row airplane, it would have 12 zones: Zone 1 would be odd numbered, right-sided windows; Zone 2 would be even-numbered, left-sided windows; Zone 3, etc...

Did you try using it with AirPlay? Because that seems like an important part of a review for the new B&W Zeppelin "Air".

As a doctor who has to compress a lot of femoral arteries, I'm guessing that the photographer was going more for "this is how we stop a leg wound from bleeding out" than "Oh, crap - it sure would be awkward to have to manually stop your gunshot wound to the penis from killing you. Good thing I have this clamp thing."

I don't know. Shortly after pasteurization, people probably "couldn't get over" milk that didn't come from a cow that morning...

Obama should easily capture Mayor of Martha's Vineyard, although I doubt he'll be in his office at the White House enough to place in the top 10...

Oh, look - antiquated "steam" technology launches futuristic plane into the air.

This shouldn't be a surprise - either that Apple "broke" hardware acceleration for Flash or that Adobe didn't promptly develop Flash for Mac in time for the launch.

Let's see. You were sick of Potter in 4th grade. Assuming that you were on the forefront of Potter madness, you became sick of him in 1997 - during the limited British first publication. Most US schoolchildren are 9-10 years old in 4th grade - so you were born in 1987 (at the earliest). That makes you (at most) 24

+1. I would happily pay $600 for a 24" 1920x1200 display with this awesome Thunderbolt hub. I imagine that there are pros out there that would happily pay $1400 for a 30" matte display.

8.5" deep with a long throw driver? That's pretty impressive - you usually need greater depth (for the cone and the magnet) to have distortion-free bass with a long throw driver.

Giz should have linked to the original story at 9to5mac.com, which actually did some investigative journalism (on a blog!). Turns out that the CEO of the company that made this blatant knock-off is the nephew of the deposed (and reinstated) Chairman of Samsung. Anymode promotes themselves as linked to Samsung - and

I just fired off an email to the developers begging for a "Group Compilations When Browsing" option.

Does anyone know if this Seabed's Nectar will be sold as "Slusho!" here in the US or under some another name?

How do you know if it was a REAL climax if you can't put your finger on it?

Can I take you to lunch tomorrow, on your last day? You can tell me what a wonderful commenter I've been; I can tell you about what a great editor you turned out to be.

I prefer for my bottle opener to include Homer Simpson encouraging me to drink more beer.

Chiggerfruit is correct. The next-gen devices have a nano-textured metal coating that is even more resistant to forming clots.

The original LVAD's (left ventricular assist devices) were huge contraptions that used pneumatic bellows to simulate pulsatile flow. They didn't last long, had an issue with forming internal clots (usually due to the valves that were needed for pulsatile flow), had to be placed in the abdomen (due to large size) and

I see a lot of mentions of Southwest in the comments - and while I praise them for not charging bag fees, it isn't just a happy promo or them recognizing their "cattle-herder" true nature.