
Seems fitting that Vlad Sr is a time lord.

Seconded both points, especially fuck Jim Spanfeller.

Yo wideout so slow they time him with a sundial.

God dammit

What in the living fuck did I just read?

He should talk to OBJ

I’ll admit, I was gnashing my teeth in anticipation of the punchline.

I think so to DT

I tried counting, but I got dizzy and had to lie down. How the fuck...?

keep them just 29 games out of the second wild card.

That nose screams "Teetotaller"

*Extremely Werner Herzog Voice* “Nuke the entire site from orbit, it’s the only way to be sure.”

Is that supposed to be a belly button piercing?

Gotta be an easier way to get lice, though.

The image of Brown walking out onto the field in a crudely painted Raiders helmet facsimile has to be the sign of some sort of psychological distress, right?

I pulled myself up by my bootstraps. Good old Uncle Bootstraps. Heckuva guy.

I’ll always +1 a good Futurama reference.

“My allergy can kill me! Can yours?!”

I’ve always thought that there’s nothing more insulting to the competition than being bored when you beat them.