
Shitty troll is shitty.

“Maybe you can’t be happy”

Hey, no one is more supportive of Henry Cavills than I am, it’s just that I can't support this Henry Cavill.

Since when do evangelicals give a shit about what Jesus said?

This is the kind of shit-starting I'm here for.

I love the metal bar in the top photograph. If the seat holds in a crash, baby gets her head caved in by her safety device.

HEY! My lactose intolerance resents this insult.

As a longtime grey, I understand and agree.


I mean, TINSTAAFL. I think a better reference would be free at the point of delivery. Public education is free to the user, but like everything in life, it costs money. 

“If the bar-back doesn’t deal with customers, why are they getting a tip?”

Goddamned jayrockers.

I’ve never been in a situation where adding oil and garlic placates the stomach demons.

What, you don’t like the“shaved pubes taped to a chin" look?

“Looks like someone needs a buzz cut. Have fun at school tomorrow, honey!"

That line is fucking ominous.

Bring me with you!

A fittingly shitty person to compare old Jim to.

They seem to be stalking website to website. It's when, not if.

Jesus, guys, it's been a while. Everything ok?