
The maze on a children's menu.

I see you’ve also had the true best frozen pizza: Roma. They don’t have the toppings you want at the store? Doesn’t matter, they all taste the same.

I’ve traveled to other baseball stadiums. It's a fantastic time. Just don't go when your team is there. Makes watching the game and enjoying the stadium way better.

Did Jalen Ramsey invent a new word, or does James Palmer not know how to spell "vibe"?

He definitely said "sound more urban."


Fair point.

In fairness to Rondo, there aren’t a ton of dudes that stack up well to Garnett.

By the foot. Over a cliff.

I shared this with Mrs. Punny, who pointed out that the nice girl was sharing a family recipe with friends.

It’s only ok if you also drink wine spritzed with cold sores and the flu.

Nathan Peterman is when you need to sneeze, but it just isn’t gonna happen.

+1 Oppenheimer

This is demanding, without understanding.

Polysyllabic writing?

“What the hell kind of a name is Yossarian?”

Influenza is absolutely a terminal disease, and you are a member a herd, that requires herd immunity.

Apparently Bruce should move to Buffalo.

If the ball were unwilling genitals, Winston would never have let go in the first place.

I get that he's getting paid and it's hard to pity a professional athlete, but, you have to feel bad for him. He so clearly doesn't fucking belong out there.