
Miller acknowledges that op-ed in her letter, and says she wrote it because she and other UMD coaches was encouraged to support the administration after the verdict came down.

Bread and circuses.

Our quarterback actually said these words:

Incognito continues to make a name for himself.

Your joke is good and life is hell.

I rarely give up on a movie, once I’ve started it. I made it less than twenty minutes into that piece of shit.

Sausage Party - like listening in on a conversation between 13 year old boys, except they somehow say “fuck” even more often.

Must be terrible, suffering abuse at the hands of those more powerful than you, not knowing who you can turn to for support, and feeling like anyone you do turn to views your suffering as subservient to the greater good, and knowing that there really is no way out. Really makes you think.

Now playing

That’s nothing. This nun beat the hell out of two hoodlums.


It was getting old. Roy Moore wouldn't grope it anymore.

I hoist my monstrously huge controller in cheers to you.

Whats the arrow lookin thingy in the middle?

a particular flavor that is best suited for—if not Taco Bell—food that falls near “Taco Bell” on the trash food spectrum, like chips and popcorn.”

Really milking that joke, aren't we?

The historical record will view the current administration with the same revulsion as we view Caligula.

I’m fine with either, so long as he doesn’t reproduce.

Did Prince have the Love Symbol on his jersey when he played for the Twins? No. He. Did. NOT.

Exactly! Normal sized ones peck bad enough, but a big pecker?!? Fuck that!