Good Kinja.
Good Kinja.
Definitely hasn’t had the talk yet with his parents about how Norm Charlatan isn’t real. I understand waiting, it really takes the magic out of the holidays.
I’ll go into people’s houses and wreck up the place!
The racquetball court is right fucking there.
Sports fans, like all people, are fucking terrible at math, and don’t understand that they’re not one good break away from having the money to own a sports team. Same reason everyone shits on poor people. We all view ourselves as more wealthy than our reality.
The correct take.
90 is wishful thinking for a dude that grills and eats play-doh.
Dreaming up dinner is a remarkably draining
You can tell from the way his arms are crossed that he is SO FUCKING PISSED that there were no violent arrests made.
This is exceptional GMG synergy.
Random aside, I had a gym teacher in middle school whose last name was Bigot. Not sure how no one in his family had ever tried to change the name, or go with a French pronunciation, or tell him not to teach fucking middle schoolers, but it was a fun few years.
That remains one of the best articles on the whole site.
America jumped the shark in 1980, America was eaten by the shark in 2016.
I’ll bet it’s in the closet next to “Alcoholics go to meetings, I’m a drunk”
I never thought of myself as a member of the “extreme” left, but somehow, I’m not super on board with a 21st century Trail of Tears.
That Reagan was at the helm when the Soviet Union collapsed under it’s own weight is why he’s revered by those idiots. But now that there’s a certain former KGB agent’s hand stuck up Trumps ass, we should just fucking love Russia.
He’s gotta know, right? Just looking in the mirror, he has to be aware that he’s not “Master Race” material.
“Shallow Sacha boy” is what you get when you try to talk like Trump, but were actually raised religious and suck at insulting people.
That this wasn’t just a very short debate is a big disappointment.