
I’m on board except for balaclava. No one writing or reading Breitbart has any idea what that is. They’ll somehow call it a burqa.


Man is bullied to the point of near suicide. His employer, who also pays his bully, does absolutely nothing to support him, while continuing to pay his tormentor millions of dollars. Man cannot recover from his ordeal. Article is written implying it’s all his fault.

He was damned to do so for being a raging dick. So the baseball metaphor works, but not for the reason Bannister would like...

“Dude perseveres pushing rock” is the depth of understanding the average American has regarding Sisyphus. Which, giving the hubris, seems apropos.

This won’t get the love it deserves. +1

Saw it coming, still enjoyed the payoff. +1

Doi get to from outside the bars?

Alfred is far and away the most overrated Molina.

Murderous. Especially on Saturday nights.

I was going to give Rendon the benefit of the doubt, but then I saw that Joe West - Joe West! - was of the opinion that Foster was in the right. Now I believe Rendon should be permanently banned from baseball.

I mean, they built (insert literally every city in the United States) on land stolen from Native Americans.

+1 Merkin

This needs way more love.

A jar of coconut oil?

Word of the day calendar strikes again.

I find myself in agreement with The Masters. I’m going to go take a shower, I feel dirty all over.

Some Kinjas just wanna watch the world burner, don’t they?

Portrait video or nothing! Fuck your viewing pleasure.