
Are we sure the images aren’t just business as usual during a Kings game?

Watching Lebron play is an absolute joy, and the fact that Nurkic’s jersey looks like it says Porkland made me smile.

“Save America’s Pastime Act”

Seeing something insane like that, all I can think is, “How does he not score a goal every time he touches the puck?” That’s insane.

“It takes a big man to admit when he’s on the wrong side of history.”

I’ve watched the entire series. I still can’t tell if it’s deliberately shitty, in a campy way, or if it’s the most phoned-in show ever. Super Troopers dude just leaves to go take care of his kid, then comes back with Starbucks in the middle of the final episode. Also, one of the judges was Jay Chandrasekhar from

Here are your winnings, sir.

I delved into the horror show that is Facebook in the aftermath of Maria. An awful lot of Americans are unaware that Puerto Ricans are too.

Because you a good parent who introduces good things to your children’s lives. As a parent of a 2 year old, I can say, myself included, there aren’t many awesome parents anymore.


I’d also settle for the Saber Dance.

Apparently it didn’t accrue any.

In fact, students probably make fun of Weird Mister Whiplash every chance they get.

Revenge is a dish best served with Rocky Mountain Oysters.

Hmm. You may be right. I guess English language proficiency, basic logic, and not saying, then doubling down on homophobic nonsense isn’t the Kinja draw I’d hoped it would be.

Do you, though?

When I was a kid, my dad would always order a Coke. If the restaurant served Pepsi, he’d tell the server “even better, more vitamin C”. I assume my family has eaten a lot of restaurant worker spit.

When I was born, my grandfather opened a checking account in my name. For over three years, my parents put some money in it every month, and deposited any monetary gifts I got for holidays/birthdays in the account. When I was about four, I was sitting at his piano, swinging my legs, and accidentally kicked the piano.

You’re a monster. A beautiful, horrible monster.