
From Here to Estonia?

Eric Crouch and Lamar Jackson have literally nothing in common, statistically. Crouch’s highest volume of passes in a season was 189, in his Heisman season. Jackson’s most recent season (when he wasn’t good enough to win the Heisman), saw him throw 430 times, completing 59.1% of them.

There’s a beef stewing.

That was the point you took from what was written?

The world isn’t binary. I can be upset that this cop was fucking around, which degrades the public trust in law enforcement. I can be substantially more upset when a cop kills am unarmed suspect. One is worse than the other. Both are bad.

I think Donald Trump has literally no idea who Steve Scalise is.


Claude Rains used his position to exchange favors for sex.

Wait, he’s rich? Fuck, I gotta go like a bunch more shit...

It looks huge in his pudgy little fingers.

I liked it, but only because I hate Soros, and hope to bankrupt him, one liked snarky post at a time.

Finally, the true depth of the conspiracy comes out!

Speaks highly of the University of Arizona law school.

Little known fact, “this decade” was JFK’s nickname for his penis.

That still counts!

Towns and Wiggins are top two in minutes. He’ll grind them to dust in the next year or two.

She Czeched both boxes.

“Rays fans”

Did he kill a yeti?